Kathrin Schilling
Selenium Partitioning and Stable Isotope Ratios in Urban Topsoils
oxides. Th e δ82/76 Se values of total Se in the topsoils were close to the bulk Earth composition with an average δ82/76 Se value of −0.03 ± SD 0.38‰ suggesting that there was no or little Se isotope fractionation in soil. We attribute the small isotope fractionation to the low bioavailability of Se as a consequence of the presence of Fe oxides (adsorbing the dominating Se(IV) forms strongly), organic matter, and SO 4 2− (prevents biouptake of the Se(IV) forms) in the study soils. Small Se isotope fractionations of −0.59 to −0.35‰ in mainly forest soils and of 0.26 to 0.45‰ in mainly alluvial soils were presumably caused by soil/plant-recycling and Se contamination by river water, respecti…
A Method to Quantitatively Trap Volatilized Organoselenides for Stable Selenium Isotope Analysis
If volatile organoselenides are to be analyzed for their stable Se isotope composition to elucidate sources and formation processes, organoselenides need to be trapped quantitatively to avoid artificial Se isotope fractionation. We developed an efficient trap of organoselenides to be used in microcosms designed to determine the Se isotope fractionation by microbial transformation of inorganic Se to volatile organoselenides. The recoveries of volatilized dimethyldiselenide (DMDSe) from aqueous standard solutions by activated charcoal and alkaline peroxide solution with subsequent freeze-drying and purification via a cation exchange resin were tested. Microcosm experiments with the Se-methyla…
Isotope Fractionation of Selenium During Fungal Biomethylation by Alternaria alternata
The natural abundance of stable Se isotopes may reflect sources and formation conditions of methylated Se. We aimed at (1) quantifying the degree of methylation of selenate [Se(VI)] and (hydro)selenite [Se(IV)] by the fungus Alternaria alternata at pH 4 and 7 and (2) determining the effects of these different Se sources and pH values on 82Se/76Se ratios (δ82/76Se) in methylselenides. Alternaria alternata was incubated with Se(VI) and Se(IV) in closed microcosms for 11-15 days and additionally with Se(IV) for 3-5 days at 30 °C. We determined Se concentrations and δ82/76Se values in source Se(VI) and Se(IV), media, fungi, and trapped methylselenides. In Se(VI) incubations, methylselenide vola…