Francesca Ape
The role of two non-indigenous serpulid tube worms in shaping artificial hard substrata communities: case study of a fish farm in the central Mediterranean Sea
Understanding the spread and establishment of non-indigenous species (NIS) is one of the primary areas of focus in bioinvasion science and is essential for generating appropriate management strategies in aquaculture. Here we investigated the role of 2 non-indigenous serpulid tube worms (Hydroides elegans and H. dirampha) in shaping the hard substrata communities around a fish farm in the Strait of Sicily over 1 yr (June 2014-June 2015), at 3 mo intervals (September and December 2014, March and June 2015). The mean density values of serpulids were significantly different at each sampling time. The density of serpulids on submerged panels showed a peak in spring (March 2015, after 9 mo) and d…
Meiofauna associated with vermetid reefs: the role of macroalgae in increasing habitat size and complexity
We present the first dataset of meiofauna associated with vermetid reefs (biogenic constructions of Mediterranean intertidal habitat) in two areas along the northern coast of Sicily, Italy. The vermetid reefs are characterized by a horizontal extension from the shore towards the open sea and can be divided into three zones (the inner margin, the cuvette zone and the outer margin) which differ in hydrodynamic features. We studied the spatial distribution of meiofauna along the horizontal axis of the vermetid reefs, investigating the communities inhabiting the sediment inside cuvettes (shallow pools inside the “cuvette zone”) located between the inner and the outer margins of the reefs. We ob…
Functional role of biofouling linked to aquaculture facilities in Mediterranean enclosed locations
Biofouling is generally considered a serious threat for human coastal activities such as aquaculture, and the ecological role of fouling organisms associated with fish-farm cages remains one of the most debated topics in the ecological field. However, although biofouling may cause significant problems related to human health, environmental impact and financial losses, in the past decade there has been an increasing interest in developing methods to promote the growth of biofouling on artificial structures as a strategy to mitigate human impacts and reduce the organic enrichment caused by net-cage fish farming. Here we investigated the filtration activity of biofouling assemblages colonizing…
Biostimulation of in situ microbial degradation processes in organically-enriched sediments mitigates the impact of aquaculture
Fish farm deposition, resulting in organic matter accumulation on bottom sediments, has been identified as among the main phenomena causing negative environmental impacts in aquaculture. An in situ bioremediation treatment was carried out in order to reduce the organic matter accumulation in the fish farm sediments by promoting the natural microbial biodegradation processes. To assess the effect of the treatment, the concentration of organic matter in the sediment and its microbial degradation, as well as the response of the benthic prokaryotic community, were investigated. The results showed a significant effect of the treatment in stimulating microbial degradation rates, and the consequen…
Influence of environmental factors and biogenic habitats on intertidal meiofauna
This study investigated the influence of physical and chemical conditions and biotic factors on the distribution and diversity of meiofauna in intertidal zone along a geographical gradient. At 11 sites along the Italian coast, we studied the concurring role of environmental variables, trophic resources and the presence of habitat-forming species (macroalgae vs. mussels) in controlling the meiofaunal communities. The increase of water temperature combined with local thermal conditions was associated with a decrease in nematodes and copepods, with a consequent decrease in meiofaunal abundance towards the south. However, the increase in salinity, as geographical gradient decreases, and local t…