Sven Thönes

Multitasking in aging: ERP correlates of dual-task costs in young versus low, intermediate, and high performing older adults

Abstract With large inter-individual variability, older adults show a decline in cognitive performance in dual-task situations. Differences in attentional processes, working memory, response selection, and general speed of information processing have been discussed as potential sources of this decline and its between-subject variability. In comparison to young subjects (n = 36, mean age: 25 years), we analyzed the performance of a large group of healthy elderly subjects (n = 138, mean age: 70 years) in a conflicting dual-task situation (PRP paradigm). Based on their dual-task costs (DTCs), the older participants were clustered in three groups of high, medium, and low performing elderly. DTC…

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Adapting to the pandemic: longitudinal effects of social restrictions on time perception and boredom during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany

AbstractWith the Covid-19 pandemic, many governments introduced nationwide lockdowns that disrupted people’s daily routines and promoted social isolation. We applied a longitudinal online survey to investigate the mid-term effects of the mandated restrictions on the perceived passage of time (PPT) and boredom during and after a strict lockdown in Germany. One week after the beginning of the lockdown in March 2020, respondents reported a slower PPT and increased boredom compared to the pre-pandemic level. However, in the course of the lockdown, PPT accelerated and boredom decreased again until August 2020. Then, in October 2020, when incidence rates sharply rose and new restrictions were int…

research product

Boosting working memory with accelerated clocks

Our perception of time varies with the degree of cognitive engagement in tasks. The perceived passage of time accelerates while working on demanding tasks, whereas time appears to drag during boring situations. Our experiment aimed at investigating whether this relationship is mutual: Can manipulated announcements of elapsed time systematically affect the attentional resources applied to a cognitive task? We measured behavioral performance and the EEG in a whole report working memory paradigm with six items of different colors that each had to be reported after a short delay period. The 32 participants were informed about the current time after each 20 trials, while the clock was running at…

research product

How Long Did You Look At Me? The Influence of Gaze Direction on Perceived Duration and Temporal Sensitivity.

Faces that exhibit emotionally negative expressions in mutual gaze have been shown to induce a dilation of perceived duration. The influence of gaze by itself on duration judgments, however, has rarely been investigated. We argue for a social interaction hypothesis, according to which humans should be highly accurate and precise (sensitive) when processing the temporal dynamics of mutual gaze. In three experiments, we investigated whether the direction of observed gaze affects perceived duration and temporal sensitivity. In Experiment 1, subjects did indeed estimate the duration of direct gaze more accurately as compared to the duration of averted gaze. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects had…

research product

Stroop task performance across the lifespan: High cognitive reserve in older age is associated with enhanced proactive and reactive interference control

Abstract Susceptibility to interference increases with age but there is large inter-individual variability in interference control in older adults due to a number of biological and environmental factors. The present study aims at analyzing behavior and ERPs in a Stroop interference task with increasing difficulty in a sample of 246 young, middle-aged and healthy old participants. The old age group was divided into three subgroups based on performance scores. The results show a gradual performance reduction with increasing age and task difficulty. However, old high performers reached a performance level comparable to middle-aged subjects. The contingent negative variation (CNV) reflecting pr…

research product

Don't stop me now: Hampered retrieval of action plans following interruptions

How can we retrieve action plans in working memory (WM) after being distracted or interrupted? The present EEG study investigated this question using a WM task in which a random sequence of single numbers (1-4 and 6-9) was presented. In a given trial, participants had to decide whether the number presented in the preceding trial was odd or even. Additionally, interfering stimuli were randomly presented in 25% of all trials, requiring the participants to either ignore a colored number (distraction) or respond to it (interruption) while maintaining the previously formed action plan in WM. Our results revealed a detrimental impact of interruptions on WM performance in trials after interrupting…

research product

Quantifying the Wollaston Illusion

In the early 19th century, William H. Wollaston impressed the Royal Society of London with engravings of portraits. He manipulated facial features, such as the nose, and thereby dramatically changed the perceived gaze direction, although the eye region with iris and eye socket had remained unaltered. This Wollaston illusion has been replicated numerous times but never with the original stimuli. We took the eyes (pupil and iris) from Wollaston’s most prominent engraving and measured their perceived gaze direction in an analog fashion. We then systematically added facial features (eye socket, eyebrows, nose, skull, and hair). These features had the power to divert perceived gaze direction by…

research product

Differential Effects of Interruptions and Distractions on Working Memory Processes in an ERP Study

Interruptions (interfering stimuli to respond to) and distractions (interfering stimuli to be ignored) have been shown to negatively impact performance, particularly in tasks requiring working memory (WM). This study investigated how these two types of external interference affect task performance and attentional and WM processes as indexed by specific event-related potentials (ERPs) of the EEG. A Continuous Number Task (CNT) was applied, in which participants had to either decide whether the current number (condition without WM load) or the sum of the current and the preceding number (condition with WM load) was odd or even while responding to interlaced single letters (interruptions) or i…

research product

A standard conceptual framework for the study of subjective time.

Research on the mental representation of time ('subjective time') has provided broad insights into the nature of time perception and temporal processing. As the field comprises different scientific disciplines, such as psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience, studies differ with regard to the basic terms and concepts used. For this reason, research on subjective time lacks a coherent conceptual system. We argue that research in the field of subjective time should aim at establishing such a system, i.e., a more standardized terminology, in order to strengthen its theoretical basis and to support an efficient communication of results. Based on key empirical findings and concepts that are com…

research product

Time perception in depression: a meta-analysis.

Background Depressive patients frequently report to perceive time as going by very slowly. Potential effects of depression on duration judgments have been investigated mostly by means of four different time perception tasks: verbal time estimation, time production, time reproduction, and duration discrimination. Ratings of the subjective flow of time have also been obtained. Methods By means of a classical random-effects meta-regression model and a robust variance estimation model, this meta-analysis aims at evaluating the inconsistent results from 16 previous studies on time perception in depression, representing data of 433 depressive patients and 485 healthy control subjects. Results Dep…

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Time Hurries on but Does not Fly in Older Age — No Effect of Depressive Symptoms

Abstract Research on the commonly known phenomenon of perceived accelerated time passage with increasing age has provided inconsistent results. This could be due to a mediating time-slowing effect of depressive symptoms as the prevalence of depression does also alter with age. Based on a large sample of 380 subjects covering a continuous range of age between 20 and 70 years, we tested whether the assumed age-related effect on time perception is being mediated by symptoms of depression. Cross-sectional differences indicate a weak, but significant nonlinear acceleration of the perceived passage of time especially during mid-adulthood, whereas no further alteration was observed above the age o…

research product

Encoding, storage, and response preparation-Distinct EEG correlates of stimulus and action representations in working memory.

Working memory (WM) allows for the active storage of stimulus- and higher level representations, such as action plans. This electroencephalography (EEG) study investigated the specific electrophysiological correlates dissociating action-related from stimulus-related representations in WM using three different experimental conditions based on the same stimulus material. In the experiment, a random sequence of single numbers (from 1 to 6) was presented and participants had to indicate whether the current number (N0 condition), the preceding number (N-1 condition), or the sum of the current and the preceding number (S-1 condition) was odd or even. Accordingly, participants had to store a stimu…

research product

The Contingent Negative Variation – An Electrophysiological Correlate of Temporal Processing or Reference Memory?

Abstract In EEG research, the contingent negative variation (CNV) is considered to be strongly related to interval timing (e.g., Macar & Vidal, 2004 ; Macar, Vidal, & Casini, 1999). However, it is discussed controversially whether certain properties of the CNV (e.g., amplitude, peak latency and resolution) directly reflect the process of temporal accumulation or rather processes related to reference memory or decision stages in temporal information processing (van Rijn et al., 2011). This present study was designed in order to investigate the relationship between CNV mean amplitude, CNV resolution, and memory processes as well as processes of temporal accumulation. The task design aimed at …

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