Oscar J.p. Eboli
Probing neutralino properties in minimal supergravity with bilinear R-parity violation
Supersymmetric models with bilinear R-parity violation (BRPV) can account for the observed neutrino masses and mixing parameters indicated by neutrino oscillation data. We consider minimal supergravity versions of BRPV where the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is a neutralino. This is unstable, with a large enough decay length to be detected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We analyse the LHC potential to determine the LSP properties, such as mass, lifetime and branching ratios, and discuss their relation to neutrino properties.
Bosonic quartic couplings at CERN LHC
We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions Z Z gamma gamma, Z Z Z gamma, W+ W- gamma gamma, and W+ W- Z gamma through the weak boson fusion processes q q -> q q gamma gamma and q q -> q q gamma Z(-> l+ l-) with l = electron or muon. After a careful study of the backgrounds and how to extract them from the data, we show that the process p p -> j j gamma l+ l- is potentially the most sensitive to deviations from the Standard Model, improving the sensitivity to anomalous couplings by up to a factor 10^4 (10^2) with respect to the present direct (indirect) limits.
Bounds on Higgs and Gauge--Boson Interactions from LEP2 Data
We derive bounds on Higgs and gauge--boson anomalous interactions using the LEP2 data on the production of three photons and photon pairs in association with hadrons. In the framework of $SU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y$ effective Lagrangians, we examine all dimension--six operators that lead to anomalous Higgs interactions involving $\gamma$ and $Z$. The search for Higgs boson decaying to $\gamma\gamma$ pairs allow us to obtain constrains on these anomalous couplings that are comparable with the ones originating from the analyses of $p\bar{p}$ collisions at the Tevatron. Our results also show that if the coefficients of all ``blind'' operators are assumed to have same magnitude, the indirect constr…
R-parity violating signals for chargino production at LEP II
We study chargino pair production at LEP II in supersymmetric models with spontaneously broken R-parity. We perform signal and background analyses, showing that a large region of the parameter space of these models can be probed through chargino searches at LEP II. In particular, we determine the attainable limits on the chargino mass as a function of the magnitude of the effective bilinear R-parity violation parameter $\epsilon$, demonstrating that LEP II is able to unravel the existence of charginos with masses almost up to its kinematical limit even in the case of R-parity violation. This requires the study of several final state topologies since the usual MSSM chargino signature is reco…
Limits on Anomalous Top Couplings from Z Pole Physics
We obtain constraints on possible anomalous interactions of the top quark with the electroweak vector bosons arising from the precision measurements at the Z pole. In the framework of $SU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y$ chiral Lagrangians, we examine all effective CP-conserving operators of dimension five which induce fermionic currents involving the top quark. We constrain the magnitudes of these anomalous interactions by evaluating their one-loop contributions to the Z pole physics. Our analysis shows that the operators that contribute to the LEP observables get bounds close to the theoretical expectation for their anomalous couplings. We also show that those which break the $SU(2)_C$ custodial symm…
Z physics constraints on vector leptoquarks
We analyze the constraints on vector leptoquarks coming from radiative corrections to $Z$ physics. We perform a global fitting to the LEP data including the oblique and non-universal contributions of the most general effective Lagrangian for vector leptoquarks, which exhibits the $SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ gauge invariance. We show that the $Z$ physics leads to stronger bounds on second and third generation vectors leptoquarks than the ones obtained from low energy and the current collider experiments.
Probing bilinear R-parity violating supergravity at the LHC
We study the collider phenomenology of bilinear R-parity violating supergravity, the simplest effective model for supersymmetric neutrino masses accounting for the current neutrino oscillation data. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider the center-of-mass energy will be high enough to probe directly these models through the search for the superpartners of the Standard Model (SM) particles. We analyze the impact of R-parity violation on the canonical supersymmetry searches - that is, we examine how the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) via bilinear R-parity violating interactions degrades the average expected missing momentum of the reactions and show how this diminishes the re…
Searching for Invisibly Decaying Higgs Bosons at LEP II
We study the potential of LEP II to unravel the existence of invisibly decaying Higgs bosons, predicted in a wide class of models. We perform a model independent analysis, focusing our attention to the final state topologies exhibiting $b \bar{b}$ or $\ell^+ \ell^-$ ($\ell=\mu$ or $e$) pairs and missing energy. We carefully evaluate the signals and backgrounds, choosing appropriate cuts to enhance the discovery limits. Our results demonstrate that LEP II is capable of discovering such a Higgs boson for a wide range of masses and couplings.
The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
233 páginas.-- AHEP Group: et al..-- El Pdf del artículo es la versión pre-print: arXiv.1001.2693v1.-- Trabajo presentado al "The International Workshop on Beyond the Standard Model Physics and LHC Signatures (BSM-LHC) celebrado en Boston (USA) del 2 al 4 de junio de 2009.