Māris Bērtiņš

Variations in the concentrations of macro- and trace elements in two grasses and in the rhizosphere soil during a day

The aim of the research was to study short-term variations in concentrations of 17 elements in two widely distributed natural plant species (couch grass and plantain) and in the rhizosphere soil of the plants. The plant and soil samples were collected in a field from a small site over a daytime. In the course of the day, the variations of the total amounts of C, N, and H in the rhizosphere soil were rather marked and different for the soils taken from roots of plantain and couch grass. The concentrations of some other elements in the rhizosphere soil of the plants varied in a similar way. The short-term variations of element concentrations in roots and leaves of the plants were also rather …

research product

Lichens <i>(Xanthoria parietina)</i> - Bio-Indicators for Sulphur and Metallic Elements for Pollution Investigation in Riga City

The aim of the research was to investigate the pollution level of sulphur and metallic elements in Riga city (Freeport of Riga, Kundziņsala, Mežaparks) by using foliose lichens (Xanthoriaparietina) as a bio-indicators. Obtained results show that the Freeport of Riga is the most polluted area comparing with other neatest places in Riga city, Kundziņsala and Mežaparks. Evaluate a washing effect, obtained results shows that lichen thallus contains about 50 % of total amount of sulphur and investigated elements as dust particles on the surface of lichens.

research product

Dzeramā ūdens kvalitātes rādītāju izvērtējums Baltezera rajona pazemes ūdeņos saskaņā ar ES direktīvas prasībām

Dzeramā ūdens kvalitātes rādītāju izvērtējums Baltezera rajona pazemes ūdeņos saskaņā ar ES direktīvas prasībām. Bērtiņš M., darba vadītājs Dr. ķīm., asoc. prof. Pastare S. Bakalaura darbs, 40 lappuses, 17 attēli, 4 tabulas, 28 literatūras avoti, 13 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. PAZEMES ŪDENS, INFILTRĀCIJA, DZELZS, MANGĀNS, ES DIREKTĪVA, SPEKTROFOTOMETRIJA Darbā ir veikta dzelzs un mangāna koncentrācijas noteikšana Baltezera apkaimes gruntsūdeņos fotometriski, izmantojot Fe(II) jonu reakciju ar 2,4,6 – tri (2'-piridil) 1,3,5 – triazīnu un Mn(II) jonu reakciju ar formaldoksīmu. Šo elementu noteikšanai nepieciešamie ūdens paraugi iegūti ūdensgūtvēs Baltezers, Baltezers I, Baltezers II, Remberģi…

research product

Variations of some Metallic Elements in Different Parts of Lingonberries <i>(Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)</i>

The aim of the research was to evaluate the content of metallic elements in different parts of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) depending on their place of growth and evaluate the transfer factor values from between different parts of plants (fine roots, leaves, berries). Obtained results show that there are no significant differences between the content of Fe, Cu, Zn and K, and there are similar element transfer factors between different parts of lingonberries independent from which site the samples are taken.

research product

Notekūdeņu attīrīšanai lietoto dūņu mineralizācijas iespējas mikroviļņos

Darbā ir pētīta notekūdeņu dūņu paraugu mineralizēšana ar dažādām metodēm. Par kontrolparaugu izmantots notekūdeņu dūņu standartreferences materiāls LGC6181. Pētījumiem lietota mineralizācijas metodika pēc starptautiskā standarta ISO 11446:1995, kā arī metode mineralizējot mikroviļņu krāsnī, par oksidējošo aģentu izmantojot kā tīru slāpekļskābi, tā slāpekļskābes un sālsskābes maisījumu. Mineralizētajos paraugos veikta smago metālisko elementu noteikšana ar liesmas (LAAS) un elektrotermālo atomabsorbciometriju (ETAAS). Iegūtie rezultāti izmantoti doto mineralizācijas metožu salīdzināšanai un metožu izvēlei atsevišķu smago metālisko elementu noteikšanai .

research product