Wojciech Opioła


Polish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War. Analysis of the Polish press 1936-2015

The Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939, as an ideologised and mythologised event, has been and is still used instrumentally within the Polish public discourse. The war was an important subject for the Polish press in the years 1936–1939. The Catholic, national-democratic, and conservative press supported General Franco’s rebellion. The governmental and pro-government press also supported the rebels. The Christian-democratic and peasants’ party press remained neutral. The social demo­cratic, communist, and radical press backed the Spanish Republic — as did liberal-conservative organs such as Wiadomości Literackie. After the Second World War, the Polish communist media created the positive legend…

research product

Specyfika partyjnej rywalizacji politycznej w wyborach do samorządu terytorialnego w roku 2014 na przykładzie województwa opolskiego

Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, jak przebiega rywalizacja polityczna na poziomie samorządowym w woj. opolskim, tzn. czy lokalne podmioty skutecznie współzawodniczą z partiami politycznymi i czy ostateczny rezultat wpisuje się w specyfikę elekcji na poziomie subnarodowym (tzn., czy upartyjnienie wzrasta wraz ze szczeblem samorządu), czy też odznacza się jakimiś cechami charakterystycznymi. W tym celu przeprowadzona została analiza statystyczna wyników wyborów samorządowych 2014 roku, uwzględniająca partyjne komitety wyborcze oraz komitet wyborczy Mniejszości Niemieckiej, który traktujemy jak protopartię. Analizie podlegała zarówno liczba kandydatów, jak i liczba wybranych radnych oraz wójtów,…

research product

Cross-border Cultural Cooperation as the Principle Paradiplomacy Form: Evidence from the Czech-Polish Borderland

Microprojects are an important part of Interreg programmes. This article presents areas of cooperation and categories of actors who have been active in submitting and implementing these microprojects in the Czech-Polish borderland. It identifies 11 thematic areas of microprojects, which mainly support people-to-people projects in the field of culture. The most active microproject actors are local govern-ments, while the participation of non-public sector actors has generally rather stagnated since 2004. Cross-border cooperation, based on the use of microproject schemes, is a decisive part of the paradip-lomacy of small and medium-sized municipalities in the Czech-Polish borderland. The rol…

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Czech–Polish Cross-Border (Non) Cooperation in the Field of the Labor Market: Why Does It Seem to Be Un-De-Bordered?

The Czech&ndash

research product

Euroregions as political actors: managing border policies in the time of Covid-19 in Polish borderlands

The article examines the role of the Euroregions in the first Covid-19 pandemic wave in Europe. The beginning of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 led to the closures of state borders. This complicated the situation of Polish cross-border commuters working in Germany and the Czech Republic. The border closure also showed the strength of Euroregions, able to react and transmit the demands of borderlanders to the Polish government. To analyse this question, we adapt the deliberative system theory. The actions taken by Euroregions, as institutions of public space, were considered as deliberative consequences of non-deliberative actions of government.

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