Luis Cort
Strictly correlated electrons approach to excitation energies of dissociating molecules
In this work we consider a numerically solvable model of a two-electron diatomic molecule to study a recently proposed approximation based on the density functional theory of so-called strictly correlated electrons (SCE). We map out the full two-particle wave function for a wide range of bond distances and interaction strengths and obtain analytic results for the two-particle states and eigenenergies in various limits of strong and weak interactions, and in the limit of large bond distance. We then study the so-called Hartree-exchange-correlation (Hxc) kernel of time-dependent density functional theory which is a key ingredient in calculating excitation energies. We study an approximation b…
Time-dependent density-functional theory for strongly interacting electrons
We consider an analytically solvable model of two interacting electrons that allows for the calculation of the exact exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent density functional theory. This kernel, as well as the corresponding density response function, is studied in the limit of large repulsive interactions between the electrons and we give analytical results for these quantities as an asymptotic expansion in powers of the square root of the interaction strength. We find that in the strong interaction limit the three leading terms in the expansion of the kernel act instantaneously while memory terms only appear in the next orders. We further derive an alternative expansion for the ker…