Anna Vilanova
Heterogeneity of circulating CD8 T-cells specific to islet, neo-antigen and virus in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Auto-reactive CD8 T-cells play an important role in the destruction of pancreatic β-cells resulting in type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, the phenotype of these auto-reactive cytolytic CD8 T-cells has not yet been extensively described. We used high-dimensional mass cytometry to phenotype autoantigen- (pre-proinsulin), neoantigen- (insulin-DRIP) and virus- (cytomegalovirus) reactive CD8 T-cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of T1D patients. A panel of 33 monoclonal antibodies was designed to further characterise these cells at the single-cell level. HLA-A2 class I tetramers were used for the detection of antigen-specific CD8 T-cells. Using a novel Hierarchical Stochastic Neighb…
SPAIN: Evolution and Characteristics of the Private Sport Sector – Focus on Fitness Centres and Gyms
This chapter contains a description of the evolution and main characteristics of the private sport sector in Spain. The first section outlines a panoramic vision of the structure and organizational framework of the Spanish sport sector, illustrating the established supremacy of the public sector above the voluntary and private sectors. Next, an analysis is laid out, utilising data from Section 931 of the Central Business Register of the National Institute of Statistics. This analysis includes information pertaining to the number of existing organisations, legal structures, number of employees, and territorial layouts. Once the general description of Spain’s private sport sector is covered, …
Sport Clubs in Spain
Spain is a decentralised state with an approximate population of 47.1 million. It is a European Union member state since 1986 and the 13th largest economy in the world. According to the latest survey of sporting habits conducted in Spain (2010), 19 % of people over the age of 15 engage in some kind of sport or physical activity through a sports club or association. The corresponding figures in previous surveys were 24 % in 2005 and 25 % in 2000. Although the number of sports clubs in Spain has increased over the last 10 years, there has been an even greater rise in the number of people taking up recreational sport or physical activity without being formally linked to any sports federation o…