Guido Benzi

Population attributable risk for ovarian cancer

Parity, oral contraceptive (OC) use, age at menopause, a family history of the disease and selected aspects of diet have been related to the risk of ovarian cancer. The quantification of their impact on a population level may help focus and rank the importance of potential prevention strategies. Using data from a case-control study conducted in Italy between 1983 and 1991 on 971 ovarian cancer cases and 2758 control women we computed the multivariate relative risk estimates, and population attributable risks (PARs), i.e. the proportion of ovarian cancers that would have been avoided if a given exposure had not been present in the population. Overall, the PARs were 5% for nulliparity, 12% fo…

research product

Correlates of hormone replacement therapy use in Italian women, 1992-1996

we analyzed the determinants of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) use in Italy for the period 1992-1996, using data from a framework of case-control studies of colon and rectal neoplasm.a total of 1574 women aged 45-74 years were considered. This group comprised women with acute, non neoplastic, non-hormone-related diseases admitted to a network of hospitals in six areas of Italy.a total of 146 women (8.5%) reported ever HRT use. The multivariate odds ratio (OR) of ever use was 1.6 (95% CI 1.0-2.6) for women with 12 years of education or more, compared with those with7 years. The frequency of use of HRT tended to decrease with increasing parity: the OR was 0.6 for women with four or more c…

research product

Diet and risk of seromucinous benign ovarian cysts

Abstract Objective : To analyze the relation between selected dietary indicators and the risk of seromucinous benign ovarian cysts. Study design : We used data from a case–control study on risk factors for benign ovarian cysts conducted in Italy between 1984 and 1994. Cases included 225 women with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of benign seromucinous ovarian neoplasm dating back no more than 2 years. Controls were 450 women below the age of 65 years admitted for acute non-gynecological, non-hormonal, non-neoplastic conditions. Results : Women with seromucinous cysts reported more frequent consumption of beef and other red meat and cheese and less frequent consumption of green vegetabl…

research product

Selected food intake and risk of endometriosis.

Background: To offer data on the relationship between diet and risk of pelvic endometriosis, we analysed data collected in the framework of two case-control studies. Methods: Data from two case-control studies conducted in Northern Italy between 1984 and 1999 were combined. Cases were 504 women aged < 65 years (median age 33 years, range 20-65) with a laparoscopically confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis, admitted to a network of obstetrics and gynaecology departments in Milan, Brescia and Pavia. Controls were 504 women (median age 34 years, range 20-61) admitted for acute non-gynaecological, non-hormonal, non-neoplastic conditions. Results: Compared to women in the lowest tertile of intake…

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