Javier Ordóñez
Variable selection in the analysis of energy consumption-growth nexus
There is abundant empirical literature that focuses on whether energy consumption is a critical driver of economic growth. The evolution of this literature has largely consisted of attempts to solve the problems and answer the criticisms arising from earlier studies. One of the most common criticisms is that previous work concentrates on the bivariate relationship, energy consumption–economic growth. Many authors try to overcome this critique using control variables. However, the choice of these variables has been ad hoc, made according to the subjective economic rationale of the authors. Our contribution to this literature is to apply a robust probabilistic model to select the explanatory …
Energy use–GDP deterministic cointegration: progress towards EU-15 Kyoto targets
This article examines whether the energy consumption–GDP relationship is in long-term equilibrium for EU-15 countries. Unlike many previous works, we apply a nonlinear unit root test introduced by Kapetanios et al. (2003a) and extended by Chong et al. (2008) that identifies not only deterministic cointegration, but also the stronger concept of stochastic cointegration. The results yield a clear pattern: Austria, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain must achieve greater emissions reductions between 2009 and 2012 to reach their respective Kyoto targets.