Xavier Pintó Salas

The REALIST (REsiduAl risk, LIpids and Standard Therapies) study: an analysis of residual risk attributable to lipid profile in acute coronary syndrome

The R3i Foundation (Residual Risk Reduction Initiative), an independent, multinational and academic organization, is conducting the REALIST (Residual Risk, Lipids and Standard Therapies) study in 40 centers in different countries. This is a retrospective epidemiological study, designed to provide new data on the residual risk of major coronary events attributable to lipid abnormalities in patients receiving the current standard treatment. The initial results are expected in mid 2010, and the overall results at the end of 2010.

research product

Estudio REALIST (REsiduAl risk, LIpids and Standard Therapies): Un análisis del Riesgo Residual dependiente del perfil lipídico en el síndrome coronario agudo

La Fundacion R3i (Residual Risk Reduction initiative), una organizacion academica, multinacional e independiente, esta llevando a cabo el estudio REALIST (REsidual risk, LIpids and Standard Therapies) en mas de 40 centros de diferentes paises. Se trata de un estudio epidemiologico retrospectivo, que esta disenado para proporcionar nuevos datos referentes al riesgo residual de episodios coronarios mayores atribuible a las alteraciones lipidicas en pacientes que reciben los tratamientos de referencia actuales. Sus resultados iniciales se esperan para mediados del ano 2010, y los resultados globales para finales del ano 2010.

research product