Arto Gråsten
Tasmaniassa moni asia on toisin
Kansainvälisyys on ollut yliopistollisia iskusanoja 2000-luvun alusta lähtien. Pestejä maailmalle ja artikkeleita englanniksi. Toinen kaista on tukossa: maailmalle ei käytännössä pääse. Kun ajat entiset palaavat jossakin muodossa, niin on hyvä muistaa, että maailmalle lähteminen kysyy joustavuutta. nonPeerReviewed
Associations between Teacher- and Student-directed Sexual and Physical Violence in Physical Education
This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years (M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with hi…