Krista Lehtonen
Kohti laaja-alaista näkemystä erityisessä tuessa : toimintakyvyn ja oppimisen edistäminen kouluympäristössä
The impact of multilevel surgery on functional abilities and participation in adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP)
but not significant decrease in RT group. Timing of pKFSw, range of knee flexion and knee flexion velocity improved after surgery but tended to deteriorate over the years in either group. Discussionandconclusions:The results of thepresent study for the first time suggest that the influences of proximal RF release on DRFT effects on the knee joint are negligible. Two possible explanations shouldbe considered. First, thefindingsmaybe explainedby a permanent eliminationofRF functionon thekneeafterDRFT,which would be unaffected by proximal release and would underline the efficiency of DRFT. Secondly, surgery in the proximal part does not influence the distal part. This would represent a new imp…
Does single-event multilevel surgery enhance physical functioning in the real-life environment in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP)?: Patient perceptions five years after surgery
Orthopedic procedures are a method of treating gait deviations and musculoskeletal pathology that develop with age in cerebral palsy (CP). Recently single-event multilevel surgery (SEMLS) has become common practice. Although there is evidence that SEMLS could improve gait, it is unclear whether it will enhance overall physical functioning and coping strategies in the real-life environment. It is unclear how improved walking capacity affects actual functioning and enables greater independence. The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions of adolescents concerning the results of surgery on personal physical functioning in the environment five or more years after SEMLS. In this study, …