Jorma Kuusinen

Change in the structure of personality ratings according to the relevance of objects

research product

Persoonallisuuden piirrearviointien faktoreiden vastaavuus : eri analyysimallien tuottamien tulosten vertailua

Tekijän kahden aikaisemman p0rsoonallisuuden piirteiden arviointien faktorirakenteita vertailevan tutkimuksen aineistot laskettiin uudelleen käyttäen Mustosen (1966) kehittämää ns. symmetrista transformaatioanalyysimallia. Tuloksia verrattiin aikaisempiin ns. naivilla transformaatiomallilla (Ahmavaara, 1954) laskettuihin tuloksiin. Uudet tulokset osoittivat symmetrisella transformaatiomallilla päästävän faktoreiden vertailussa yksiselitteisempiin ratkaisuihin kuin naivilla mallilla.

research product

The influence of alcohol on cognitive conflict.

The influence of alcohol on cognitive conflict between individuals was studied by means of an experiment that was designed to be representative of real life negotiating situations, where alcohol is consumed and where two parties are required to find new common solutions to problems that they have previously learned to solve differently by themselves. The subjects were 60 male students of technology divided into experimental and control groups. The amount of alcohol (whisky) consumed by the experimental subjects produced approximately 0.08% blood alcohol concentration. In the experiment, the cognitive conflict situation was created by first training subjects to solve diagnostic medical tasks…

research product

Individual versus provided constructs, cognitive complexity and extremity of ratings in person perception.

.— Bruner & Tagiuri's (1954) concept of implicit personality theory, and Kelly's (1955) theory of personal constructs were used as a basis for a hypothesis that an individual's own constructs mediate more differentiated perceptions of other people than constructs provided by the experimenter. The hypothesis was tested by using four indices of cognitive complexity and one index of extremity of ratings to measure differentiation. The individual constructs were derived by using Reptest. The provided constructs were Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. Two experimenters were employed to control experimenter effects. The data did no…

research product

Ikääntyvien opiskelu ja koulutus

Right up to the present, study by the elderly has focused mainly on general adult education. Consequently, marginalisation in this area has been particularly harmful to this section of the population, the people who have received the least education in our society. The motives and points of departure concerning the elderly have not yet been clearly formulated in adult education. This state of affairs is exemplified by the facts that adult education policy statements almost entirely by-pass the issue of education for the elderly and that an educational policy aimed at the elderly simply does not exist. The elderly can no longer be expected to be satisfied with mere activities for the sake of…

research product

Structural representations of person perception A comparison between own and provided constructs

.— The dimensions of perceiving other people were compared from two types of data, one representing a person's individual constructs and indexed by two different rating methods (Reptest technique and Similarity Ratings), the other constructs provided by the experimenter, also measured by two methods (Semantic Differential and Personality Differential). Thirty-one female psychology students, rated fifteen role figures by using the four methods. Indices of factorial and cluster similarity of roles showed that the different rating methods yielded highly similar role structures. Each congruent factor and cluster could also be characterized by identical trait properties, but there were also impo…

research product


Kuusinen, J. Factorial invariance of personality ratings. Scand. J. Psychol., 1969, 10, 33–44—Three studies employing the same set of 33 personality rating scales are described. (I) Five factor structures of the scales, derived from ratings of five groups of stimuli, were compared. (2) One subject rated different personality concepts three times at one week's intervals. (3) 12 individual factor structures were compared to the factor structure computed from peer ratings of a group of 39 subjects. Results: (a) the factor structure of the scales was largely independent of stimuli, (b) the structure for an individual was stable, (c) the group structure represented the individual's structure, (d…

research product

The convergent validity of four indices of congnitive complexity in person perception. A multi-index multimethod and factor analytical approach.

.— An application of the Campbell and Fiske multimethod-multitrait analysis and factor analysis was used to study the convergent validity of the following indices of cognitive complexity: Bieri's Index, Vannoy's Interaction Variance Measure, Number of Factors, and First Factor Percentage. In the analysis the individual constructs elicited by Reptest were contrasted with two sets of provided constructs, namely Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. The results indicated that the convergent validity of the indices over construct type was low and that the construct type had an effect upon the intercorrelations of different indices o…

research product

Testing equality of reliability and stability with simple linear constraints in multi-wave, multi-variable models

Data from a longitudinal study on school achievement were used to develop new methods for analysing reliability of measurements and stability of behaviour over a long time interval. The proposed method of analysis makes it possible to test hypotheses about equality constraints on reliability and stability. It is known that the use of negative variances for imaginary latent variables with equality constraints between structural parameters produces standardized variances for endogenous latent variables and quality constraints for coefficients of stability. Reparameterization of random errors in measurement models allows equality constraints to be set for coefficients of cross-sectional and of…

research product

Yksilön suorittamien arviointien rakenteen pysyvyys persoonallisuuden arvioinneissa

research product

The correspondence between group and individual in the factor structure of personality trait ratings

The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the factor structures of personality trait ratings are equivalent when ratings are made by a group or by an individual belonging to the same group. The differences in the factor structures were examined in regard to the contents of the factors, their variance, and the degree of differentiation of the structures. An attempt was made to understand differences in factor structures of ratings in terms of the personality characteristics of the individual raters. The material consisted of the personality trait ratings given by a group of 39 subjects (aged 17-18) from each other, using 33 seven-degree bipolar scales. The factor structure of tr…

research product

Children's Learning of Unfamiliar Phonological Sequences

4 groups of 15 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-yr.-old children learned nonsense phonological sequences that varied in grammaticality by violating 0, 1, or 2 phonological rules of Ss' native language. The youngest age group made fewer errors in learning the most nongrammatical phonological sequences than in learning grammatical ones. With the 10- and 8-yr.-olds an opposite trend was found. The differences were not statistically significant. Implications for second language learning were discussed.

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