Marco Bonura
Magnetic-field dependence of the microwave surface resistance in MgB2 and Ba(06)K(0.4)BiO(3) samples
Magnetic hysteresis in the microwave surface resistance of Nb samples in the critical state
We discuss the hysteretic behavior of the field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance in superconductors in the critical state. Measurements have been performed in a bulk sample of Nb and a powdered one at different values of the temperature. We discuss a model, based on the Coffey and Clem theory, in which we take into account the flux distribution inside the sample, due to the critical state. The experimental results are justified quantitatively in the framework of our model. We show that by fitting the experimental data it is possible to determine the value of the critical current density and its field dependence.
Field-induced suppression of the pi-band superconductivity and magnetic hysteresis in the microwave surface resistance of MgB_2 at temperatures near T_c
We report on the magnetic-field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, R_s, in a polycrystalline MgB_2 sample, at different values of temperature. We have detected a magnetic hysteresis in R_s, which exhibits an unexpected plateau on decreasing the DC magnetic field below a certain value. In particular, at temperatures near T_c the hysteresis manifests itself only through the presence of the plateau. Although we do not quantitatively justify the anomalous shape of the magnetic hysteresis, we show that the results obtained in the reversible region of the R_s(H) curve can be quite well accounted for by supposing that, in this range of magnetic field, the pi-gap is almost supp…
Microwave properties of Ba(0.6)K(0.4)BiO(3) crystals
We report on field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance at 9.6 GHz of Ba(0.6)K(0.4)BiO(3) crystals. Energy losses have been investigated as a function of the static magnetic field in the range of temperatures 4.2 K - Tc. By analyzing the experimental results in the framework of the Coffey and Clem model we determine the temperature dependence of the first-penetration field, upper critical field and depinning frequency. The results show that the pinning energy of this bismuthate superconductor is weaker than those of cuprates.
Dielectric properties of myoglobin at 10 GHz by microwave cavity perturbation measurements
We report on the temperature dependence, at microwave (mw) frequency, of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant (En) in myoglobin powder samples with different hydration levels (h). The measurements have been performed by the cavity perturbation technique, in the range of temperature 80-345 K. The sample is located inside a glass capillary along the axis of a cylindrical copper cavity, resonating in the TE011 mode at 9.6 GHz, where the mw electric field has a node. By measuring the variation of the quality factor of the resonant cavity, one can extract the imaginary part of the dielectric constant. At temperatures higher than 230 K we observe an evident increase of the dielectric los…
Microwave surface resistance of pristine and neutron-irradiated MgB2 samples in magnetic field
We report on the microwave surface resistance of two polycrystalline Mg11B2 samples; one consists of pristine material, the other has been irradiated at very high neutron fluence. It has already been reported that in the strongly irradiated sample the two gaps merge into a single value. The mw surface resistance has been measured in the linear regime as a function of the temperature and the DC magnetic field, at increasing and decreasing fields. The results obtained in the strongly irradiated sample are quite well justified in the framework of a generalized Coffey and Clem model, in which we take into account the field distribution inside the sample due to the critical state. The results ob…
Superconducting Microwave Cavity Made of Bulk MgB2
We report the successful manufacture and characterization of a microwave resonant cylindrical cavity made of bulk MgB2 superconductor (Tc = 38.5 K), which has been produced by the Reactive Liquid Mg Infiltration technique. The quality factor of the cavity for the TE011 mode, resonating at 9.79 GHz, has been measured as a function of the temperature. At T = 4.2 K, the unloaded quality factor is 2.2x10^5; it remains of the order of 10^5 up to T ~ 30 K. We discuss the potential performance improvements of microwave cavities built from bulk MgB2 materials produced by reactive liquid Mg infiltration.
Depinning frequency in a heavily neutron-irradiated MgB2 sample
The magnetic-field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance have been investigated in a heavily neutron-irradiated MgB2 sample, in which the irradiation has caused the merging of the two gaps into a single value. The experimental results have been analyzed in the framework of the Coffey and Clem model. By fitting the experimental data, we have determined the field dependence of the depinning frequency, omega_0, at different values of the temperature. Although the pinning is not particularly effective, the value of omega_0 obtained at low temperatures is considerably higher than that observed in conventional low-temperature superconductors.
Magnetic Field Dependence of Microwave Surface Resistance in MgB2
Microwave response of a cylindrical cavity made of bulk MgB2 superconductor
Isteresi magnetica della resistenza superficiale a microonde nel superconduttore Nb
Critical-state effects on the microwave surface resistance of superconductors
Critical-state effects on microwave losses in type-II superconductors
We discuss the microwave energy losses in superconductors in the critical state. The field-induced variations of the surface resistance are determined, in the framework of the Coffey and Clem model, by taking into account the distribution of the vortex magnetic field inside the sample. It is shown that the effects of the critical state cannot generally be disregarded to account for the experimental data. Results obtained in bulk niobium at low temperatures are quantitatively justified.
Anomalous hysteretic behaviour of the microwave surface resistance in MgB2 superconductor
Anomalous magnetic hysteresis in the microwave surface resistance of MgB2 superconductor
We report experimental results of the field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance in samples of MgB2, produced by different methods. By sweeping the DC magnetic field at increasing and decreasing values, we have detected a magnetic hysteresis that can be ascribed to the different magnetic induction, due to the critical state of the fluxon lattice. The hysteresis observed in the bulk samples has an unusual shape, which cannot be justified in the framework of the critical-state models.
Electromagnetic response of LaO_0.94F_0.06FeAs: AC susceptibility and microwave surface resistance
We discuss on the electromagnetic response of a polycrystalline sample of LaO_0.94F_0.06FeAs exposed to DC magnetic fields up to 10 kOe. The low- and high-frequency responses have been investigated by measuring the AC susceptibility at 100 kHz and the microwave surface resistance at 9.6 GHz. At low as well as high DC magnetic fields, the susceptibility strongly depends on the amplitude of the AC driving field, highlighting enhanced nonlinear effects. The field dependence of the AC susceptibility exhibits a magnetic hysteresis that can be justified considering the intragrain-field-penetration effects on the intergrain critical current density. The microwave surface resistance exhibits a cloc…
Dipendenza dal campo magnetico della resistenza superficiale a microonde in MgB2
Resistenza superficiale a microonde nel superconduttore MgB2
Fluxon dynamics by microwave surface resistance measurements in MgB2
Field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, Rs(H), have been investigated in high-density ceramic MgB2. At low temperatures, several peculiarities of the Rs(H) curves cannot be justified in the framework of models reported in the literature. We suggest that they are ascribable to the unconventional vortex structure in MgB2, related to the presence of two gaps. On the contrary, the results near Tc can be accounted for by the Coffey and Clem model, with fluxons moving in the flux-flow regime, provided that the anisotropy of the upper critical field is taken into due account.
A microwave cylindrical cavity made of bulk MgB2 superconductor produced by reactive liquid Mg infiltration process
Fluxon dynamics in Li–Al codoped by microwave surface resistance measurements
Abstract The magnetic-field-induced variations of the microwave surface resistance, R s , have been investigated in ceramic Mg1−x(LiAl)xB2, with x in the range 0.1 – 0.4 . The measurements have been performed on increasing and decreasing the DC magnetic field, H 0 , at fixed temperatures. At low temperatures, we have observed a magnetic hysteresis in the R s ( H 0 ) curves in all the investigated samples. On increasing the temperature, the range of H 0 in which the hysteretic behavior is visible shrinks; however, in the sample with x = 0.1 it is present up to temperatures close to T c . We show that the field dependence of R s can be quantitatively justified taking into account the critical…