De Grazia Luciana

Il ruolo del Consiglio costituzionale francese nella definizione del nuovo stato di emergenza sanitaria

The aim of this paper is to share some observations on the role of the French Constitutional Court in the management of the health emergency caused by Sars-CoV-19. Particularly, to examine the Decision n. 799-2020, in which the Court ruled on the constitutional conformity of the organic law 30 March 2020, which declared the suspension of deadlines to transmit and decide on the priority issue of constitutionality (QPC). With the subsequent Decision n. 800-2020 the Constitutional Court ruled on the legitimacy of the law which extended the state of emergency until the 10th of July. Both Decisions offer insights into the relationship between the Constitutional Court as well as the protection of…

research product

A Comparative Overview of the Canadian Senate and the British House of Lords

The purpose of this overview is to highlight the role which is played by the Canadian Senate and the British House of Lords in their constitutional legal systems, and to attempt to underline what similarities or differences can be identified in relation to their composition and functions. This paper will analyse whether they have an actual representative capacity and if they are able to perform the typical functions which are normally allocated to the upper chambers, functioning as a “sober second thought” and a house of check on the majority expressed in the lower chamber, usually connected to the Cabinet. The contribution of these chambers to parliamentary systems of government will also …

research product

Oltre la democrazia rappresentativa? Sovranità popolare e referendum nell’esperienza britannica, spagnola e francese

In this paper the author elaborates on reflections about the role of the referendum in the British legal system, well-known to be characterized by a representative democracy, with the intent to examine the evolution of this institute. It is also a comparative study which examines the effects of the consultative referendum in the Spanish legal system and the characteristics and the effects of the legislative referendum in the French legal system in order to identify the analogies and the differences among these referendum.

research product

Constitutional coup e democrazie illiberali: l'esperienza della Turchia

Scopo del presente lavoro è di esaminare il processo di regressione costituzionale che ha condotto al cambiamento della forma di stato e di governo in Turchia, attraverso l’esame delle riforme legislative e costituzionali che sono state compiute nell’ultimo decennio, periodo in cui è possibile cogliere l’involuzione in senso illiberale dell’ordinamento turco. Dall’analisi svolta è sembrato, poi, che le modalità con cui si è realizzata l’involuzione illiberale dell’ordinamento turco abbiano alcune caratteristiche in comune con l’esperienza costituzionale ungherese. Quest’ultima è stata descritta dalla dottrina come un constitutional coup, definizione che sembra potersi adattare anche nei con…

research product

Le garanzie costituzionali dell'indipendenza della magistratura nell'esperienza francese, italiana e spagnola

The book aims to examine in three different legal systems - Italy, France, and Spain - the constitutional guarantees of the independence of the judiciary with a particular focus on the Councils of Justice. It is proposed to examine whether the measures provided by national legal systems have been conditioned by their constitutional traditions and whether or not these guarantees have evolved as a result of the promotion of the rule of law at the European level. A study of some of the documents drawn up at the supranational level to protect the independence of the judiciary reveals a set of criteria that are intertwined in a single weave with those outlined in the case law of the European Cou…

research product

Comparative Public Law Notes: Methodological Profiles: Legal Families - Forms of Government in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, and the United States of America

The work intends to analyse some classic themes of comparative public law such as methodological profiles and legal families and then focus on the characteristics of forms of government. In particular, the analysis, with a comparative perspective, intends to focus on the characteristics of the parliamentary form of government in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain and then on the French semi-presidential and US presidential forms of government. The aim is to provide, during teaching assignments, a starting point for further study. The work is accompanied by a bibliography on the various survey profiles, to facilitate the retrieval of doctrine on the subject.

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