E. Pérez
The REMSDB Macroeconomic Database of The Spanish Economy
This paper presents a new macroeconomic database for the Spanish economy, REMSDB. The construction of this database has been oriented to conducting medium-term simulations for policy evaluation with the REMS model, a large Rational Expectations macroeconomic Model for Spain. The paper provides a detailed description of the data and documents its main statistical properties. The database is thought to be of major interest to related applications,whether strictly associated with the REMS model or, rather, with empirical macroeconomic studies.
A rational expectations model for simulation and policy evaluation of the Spanish economy
This paper presents the model used for simulation purposes within the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance. REMS (a Rational Expectations Model for the Spanish economy) is a small open economy dynamic general equilibrium model in the vein of the New-Neoclassical-Keynesian synthesis models, with a strongly micro-founded system of equations. In the long run REMS behaves in accordance with the neoclassical growth model. In the short run, it incorporates nominal, real and financial frictions. Real frictions include adjustment costs in consumption (via habits in consumption and rule-of-thumb households) and investment into physical capital. Due to financial frictions, there is no per…
Plano del Grao de Castellón de la Plana, H.796 Mar Mediterráneo : Costa Oriental de España
En suport de cartolina.- Escala gràfica en metres.- E. Perex el gravà.- S. T. Bregante gravà la lletra.- La carta s'excedeix del marc pel sud.- Sondes en metres.- Dades de longitud i latitud del far de Castelló.- El plànol de la ciutat de Castelló i encontorns ha estat agafat de la carta publicada en 1852 pel Tinent Coronel Capità d'Enginyers D. Francisco Coello Primera correcció 1901, darrera 1956