F. Azaiez

Structure of the As, Ge, Ga nuclei

Abstract The level structures of the N = 50 83As, 82Ge, and 81Ga isotones have been investigated by means of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. A first experiment was performed with the CLARA–PRISMA setup to identify these nuclei. A second experiment was carried out with the GASP array in order to deduce the γ-ray coincidence information. The results obtained on the high-spin states of such nuclei are used to test the stability of the N = 50 shell closure in the region of 78Ni ( Z = 28 ). The comparison of the experimental level schemes with the shell-model calculations yields an N = 50 energy gap value of 4.7(3) MeV at Z = 28 . This value, in a good agreement with the prediction of the fini…

research product

Backbending in the pear-shaped 223(90)Th nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides

International audience; Relatively neutron-rich thorium isotopes lie at the heart of a nuclear region of nuclei exhibiting octupole correlation effects. The detailed level structure of Th223 has been investigated in measurements of γ radiation following the fusion-evaporation channel of the Pb208(O18,3n)Th223 reaction at 85 MeV beam energy. The level structure has been extended up to spin 49/2, and 33 new γ rays have been added using triple-γ coincidence data. The spins and parities of the newly observed states have been confirmed by angular distribution ratios. In addition to the two known yrast bands based on a K=5/2 configuration, a non-yrast band has been established up to spin 35/2. We…

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Isomer Spectroscopy in90216Th126and the Magicity of92218U126

Excited states in (216)Th were investigated via prompt and delayed gamma decays and the recoil-decay tagging method. The decay schemes of the I(pi) = (8+), t(1/2) = 128(8) micros, the I(pi) = (11-), t(1/2) = 615(55) ns, and the I(pi) = (14+), t(1/2) > or = 130 ns isomers were established. The configuration pi h(9/2)f(7/2) is assigned to the I(pi) = (8+) isomer, which implies that the h(9/2) and f(7/2) states are nearly degenerate. This is ascribed to increased binding of the f(7/2) orbital by its coupling to a low-lying I(pi) = (3-) state at E(x) = 1687 keV. The role of octupole and pairing correlations for a Z = 92 shell closure prediction is discussed on the basis of shell model calculati…

research product

New region of deformation in the neutron-rich 60 24Cr36 and 62 24Cr38

The neutron-rich nuclei 23 60-63V have been produced at GANIL via interactions of a 61.8A·MeV 76Ge beam with a 58Ni target. Beta-decay to 24 60-63Cr has been investigated using combined β- and γ-ray spectroscopy. Half-lives of the 60-63V nuclei have been determined, and the existence of a beta-decay isomer in the 60V nucleus is strongly supported. The observation of low-energy 2+ states in 60Cr (646keV) and 62Cr (446keV) suggests that these isotopes are strongly deformed with β2 ∼ 0.3. This is confirmed by shell model calculations which show the dominant influence of the intruder g and d orbitals to obtain low 2+ energies in the neutron-rich Cr isotopes.

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Beta decay studies of neutron-rich $_{21}$Sc-$_{27}$Co nuclei at GANIL

Abstract The neutron-rich nuclei 2157,58Sc, 2258–60Ti, 2258–60Ti, 2360–62V, 2464–66Cr, 2564–68Mn, 2667–70Fe and 2769–71Co have been produced at Ganil via interactions of a 61.8 A.MeV 76Ge beam with a 58Ni target. Beta-decay studies have been achieved, bringing new half-lives and a better nuclear structure knowledge in this region. These results could help for understanding the overabundances of the neutron-rich stable 58Fe, 64Ni in certain inclusions of meteorites.

research product

The fusion-fission process in the reaction 34S+186W near the interaction barrier

International audience; The reaction 34S + 186W at Elab=160 MeV was investigated with the aim of diving into the features of thefusion-fission process. Gamma rays in coincidence with binary reaction fragments were measured using the high efficiencygamma-ray spectrometer ORGAM at the TANDEM Accelerator facility of I.P.N., Orsay, and the time-of-flight spectrometerfor fission fragments (FF) registration CORSET of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR), Dubna. The couplingof the ORGAM and CORSET setups offers the unique opportunity of extracting details for characterizing the fusion-fissionprocess and gives information regarding production of neutron-rich heavy nuclei. The FF-$\gamm…

research product

Competition of fission with the population of the yrast superdeformed band in $^{194}$Pb

The 194Pb yrast superdeformed band has been populated in two reactions induced by two different beams delivered by the JYFL cyclotron. These two reactions differ in the asymmetry ratio (i.e. the ratio of the target mass over the projectile one) by more than a factor 3. For the first time, a superdeformed band of the A≈190 mass region has been populated using such a very heavy beam, namely 74Ge.

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AGATA-Advanced GAmma Tracking Array

WOS: 000300864200005

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