I Cavallini
Puliti, Gabriello
Gabriello Puliti (Montepulciano, 1583? - Trieste or Cherso now Cres 1644) entered the Franciscan order before or at the time of his first appointment as maestro di coro of the monastery at Pontremoli in 1600. In 1602 he was an organist at the monastery in Piacenza. In 1604 he was at the monastery in Pola (now Pula) and in 1605 he was maestro di cappella in Muggia, near Trieste. Between 1606 and 1609 he was an organist in Capodistria (now Koper) and from 1609 to 1612 he was in Trieste. In 1614 he was back in Capodistria and in 1616 he was in Pirano (now Piran). He was elected guardiano at the monastery of Capodistria and lived there between 1618 and 1620. Puliti served at Albona (now Labin),…
Morlacchismo, illirismo, involuzioni esotiche. L’immagine degli slavi del sud nel teatro e nella musica dell’Ottocento in Italia/Morlakizem, ilirizem, eksotična zamotanost. Lik južnega Slovana v italijanskem gledališču in glasbi devetnajstega stoletja
Alberto Fortis’ Viaggio in Dalmazia (Venice, 1774) described for the first time the Morlacks of the interior of Dalmatia as the true model of a primitive group, whose characteristics became an exotic source of inspiration for some Italian writers and ballet composers until 1830s. Contemporaneously, the Homer’s paradigm was introduced by Melchiorre Cesarotti in the foreword joined to the Italian version of the poems of “Ossian” (1763), and it was in turn transformed by the composer and doctor of Split Giulio Bajamonti. Even though published in Italian, Bajamonti’s Morlacchismo d’Omero (Venice, 1797) can be considered the first contribution to the romantic Croatian literature. The essay of Ba…
Arturo Toscanini: il direttore e l'artista mediatico
Il volume analizza la formazione del repertorio sinfonico e operistico di Toscanini attraverso le testimonianze e le incisioni. Aggiunge indagini nuove sui rapporti con la regia, con i cantanti e con i solisti, e riconsidera la sua attività radiofonica negli Stati Uniti.
Glazba, Migracije i Europska Kultura. Svecani Zbornik za Vjeru Katalinic / Music Migration and European Culture. Essays in Honour of Vjera Katalinic
The essays collected in this book are related, in various ways, to the areas of research of the dedicatee Vjera Katalinic
De Musica Disserenda, XII/1, 2016: Nineteenth-Century Music in Central Europe: Paradigms and Popular Canon
Nations and nationalism have been a main research topic for decades, but the last few years have witnessed noticeable growth in these studies. The perspective generally accepted in the humanities – that demands for political independence of the nations in nineteenth-century Central Europe were premised on a sense of cultural identity – has also been taken up by contemporary musicological thought. Essays by philosopher and social anthropologist Ernest Gellner on “invented nations” in Nations and Nationalism (1983), or by historian and political scientist Benedict Anderson on “imagined communities” in Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1991), supported …