Compositional dependence of element-specific magnetic moments in Ni2MnGa films
Element-specific magnetic moments were investigated for epitaxial Ni2Mn1+xGa1−x and (Ni2MnGa)1−x(Co2FeSi)x Heusler films using x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray circular magnetic dichroism in transmission. The epitaxial films of the Ni2MnGa-derived compositions were prepared by dc-sputtering on Al2O3 substrates at 773 K. X-ray diffraction confirms a (1 1 0) oriented growth. An increase in the Mn concentration reduces the magnetic spin moment of both Mn and Ni. An increase in the content of Co2FeSi in the Ni2MnGa compound leads to an increase in the Mn and Ni spin moments and to a decrease in Tm for 5% Co2FeSi and finally to a suppression of the phase transition for 20% Co2FeSi. The or…