Jambul Gegelia
Chiral structure of the Roper resonance using complex-mass scheme
The pole mass and the width of the Roper resonance are calculated as functions of the pion mass in the framework of low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. We implement a systematic power-counting procedure by applying the complex-mass scheme.
Power counting in baryon chiral perturbation theory including vector mesons
It is demonstrated that using a suitable renormalization condition one obtains a consistent power counting in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory including vector mesons as explicit degrees of freedom.
Chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order q^6
We present the results of a complete two-loop calculation at order q^6 of the nucleon mass in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory. The renormalization is performed using the reformulated infrared renormalization, which allows for the treatment of two-loop integrals while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry.
Axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pion-nucleon form factors in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory
We calculate the nucleon form factors G_A and G_P of the isovector axial-vector current and the pion-nucleon form factor G_piN in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including order O(p^4). In addition to the standard treatment including the nucleon and pions, we also consider the axial-vector meson a_1 as an explicit degree of freedom. This is achieved by using the reformulated infrared renormalization scheme. We find that the inclusion of the axial-vector meson effectively results in one additional low-energy coupling constant that we determine by a fit to the data for G_A. The inclusion of the axial-vector meson results in an improved description of t…
It is argued that Weinberg's approach to the nucleon–nucleon (NN) interaction problem within effective field theory provides a consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams. Within this scheme the NN potential is organized as an expansion in terms of small quantities like small external momenta and the pion mass (divided by the characteristic large scale of the effective theory). Physical observables to any given order in these small quantities are calculated from the solutions of the Lippmann–Schwinger (or Schrödinger) equation.
Infrared renormalization of two-loop integrals and the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass
We describe details of the renormalization of two-loop integrals relevant to the calculation of the nucleon mass in the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory using infrared renormalization. It is shown that the renormalization can be performed while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry, and that renormalized diagrams respect the standard power counting rules. As an application we calculate the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order O(q^6).
Path integral quantization for massive vector bosons
A parity-conserving and Lorentz-invariant effective field theory of self-interacting massive vector fields is considered. For the interaction terms with dimensionless coupling constants the canonical quantization is performed. It is shown that the self-consistency condition of this system with the second-class constraints in combination with the perturbative renormalizability leads to an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with an additional mass term.
Baryon masses and nucleon sigma terms in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
We discuss the masses of the ground state baryon octet and the nucleon sigma terms in the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. In order to obtain a consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams the extended on-mass-shell renormalization scheme is applied.
Definition of theΔmass and width
In the framework of effective field theory we show that, at two-loop order, the mass and width of the $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ resonance defined via the (relativistic) Breit-Wigner parametrization both depend on the choice of field variables. In contrast, the complex-valued position of the pole of the propagator is independent of this choice.
Renormalization of relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory and power counting
We discuss a renormalization scheme for relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory which provides a simple and consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams. The method involves finite subtractions of dimensionally regularized diagrams beyond the standard $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme of chiral perturbation theory to remove contributions violating the power counting. This is achieved by a suitable renormalization of the parameters of the most general effective Lagrangian. In addition to simplicity our method has the benefit that it can be easily applied to multiloop diagrams. As an application we discuss the mass and the scalar form factor of the nucleon and compare the results with the e…
Improving the ultraviolet behavior in baryon chiral perturbation theory
We introduce a new formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory which improves the ultraviolet behavior of propagators and can be interpreted as a smooth cutoff regularization scheme. It is equivalent to the standard approach, preserves all symmetries and therefore satisfies the Ward identities. Our formulation is equally well defined in the vacuum, one- and few-nucleon sectors of the theory. The equations (Bethe-Salpeter, Lippmann-Schwinger, etc.) for the scattering amplitudes of the few-nucleon sector are free of divergences in the new approach. Unlike the usual cutoff regularization, our 'cutoffs' are parameters of the Lagrangian and do not have to be removed.
Including theΔ(1232)resonance in baryon chiral perturbation theory
Baryon chiral perturbation theory with explicit $\ensuremath{\Delta}(1232)$ degrees of freedom is considered. The most general interactions of pions, nucleons, and \ensuremath{\Delta} consistent with all underlying symmetries as well as with the constraint structure of higher-spin fields are constructed. By use of the extended on-mass-shell renormalization scheme, a manifestly Lorentz-invariant effective-field theory with a systematic power counting is obtained. As applications, we discuss the mass of the nucleon, the pion-nucleon \ensuremath{\sigma} term, and the pole of the \ensuremath{\Delta} propagator.
Infrared and extended on-mass-shell renormalization of two-loop diagrams
Using a toy model Lagrangian we demonstrate the application of both infrared and extended on-mass-shell renormalization schemes to multiloop diagrams by considering as an example a two-loop self-energy diagram. We show that in both cases the renormalized diagrams satisfy a straightforward power counting.
Asymptotic freedom in massive Yang-Mills theory
An effective field theory model of the massive Yang-Mills theory is considered. Assuming that the renormalized coupling constants of 'non-renormalizable' interactions are suppressed by a large scale parameter it is shown that in analogy to the non-abelian gauge invariant theory the dimensionless coupling constant vanishes logarithmically for large values of the renormalization scale parameter.
Quantum electrodynamics for vector mesons
Quantum electrodynamics for $\rho$ mesons is considered. It is shown that, at tree level, the value of the gyromagnetic ratio of the $\rho^+$ is fixed to 2 in a self-consistent effective quantum field theory. Further, the mixing parameter of the photon and the neutral vector meson is equal to the ratio of electromagnetic and strong couplings, leading to the mass difference $M_{\rho^0}-M_{\rho^\pm}\sim 1 {\rm MeV}$ at tree order.
Infrared regularization of baryon chiral perturbation theory reformulated
We formulate the infrared regularization of Becher and Leutwyler in a form analogous to our recently proposed extended on-mass-shell renormalization. In our formulation, IR regularization can be applied straightforwardly to multi-loop diagrams with an arbitrary number of particles with arbitrary masses.
Complex-mass scheme and perturbative unitarity
We derive cutting rules for loop integrals containing propagators with complex masses. Using a field-theoretical model of a heavy vector boson interacting with a light fermion, we demonstrate that the complex-mass scheme respects unitarity order by order in a perturbative expansion provided that the renormalized coupling constant remains real.
Ostrogradsky's Hamilton formalism and quantum corrections
By means of a simple scalar field theory it is demonstrated that the Lagrange formalism and Ostrogradsky's Hamilton formalism in the presence of higher derivatives, in general, do not lead to the same results. While the two approaches are equivalent at the classical level, differences appear due to the quantum corrections.
Complex-mass renormalization in chiral effective field theory
We consider a low-energy effective field theory of vector mesons and Goldstone bosons using the complex-mass renormalization. As an application we calculate the mass and the width of the $\rho$ meson.
Universality of the rho-meson coupling in effective field theory
It is shown that both the universal coupling of the rho-meson and the Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-Riadzuddin-Fayyazuddin expression for the magnitude of its coupling constant follow from the requirement that chiral perturbation theory of pions, nucleons, and rho-mesons is a consistent effective field theory. The prerequisite of the derivation is that all ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed in the redefinition of fields and the available parameters of the most general effective Lagrangian.
Magnetic moment of the Roper resonance
The magnetic moment of the Roper resonance is calculated in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. A systematic power-counting procedure is implemented by applying the complex-mass scheme.