Bradley Currey
Basic theory of solvable Lie algebras and Lie groups
Plancherel formula and related topics
Construction of canonical coordinates for exponential Lie groups
Given an exponential Lie group G, we show that the constructions of B. Currey, 1992, go through for a less restrictive choice of the Jordan-Holder basis. Thus we obtain a stratification of g * into G-invariant algebraic subsets, and for each such subset Ω, an explicit cross-section Σ C Ω for coadjoint orbits in Ω, so that each pair (Ω, Σ) behaves predictably under the associated restriction maps on g * . The cross-section mapping σ: Ω → Σ is explicitly shown to be real analytic. The associated Vergne polarizations are not necessarily real even in the nilpotent case, and vary rationally with ∈ Ω. For each Ω, algebras e 0 (Ω) and e 1 (Ω) of polarized and quantizable functions, respectively, a…