I. Greinacher
Katheter und Drainagen
Die Endotrachealintubation hat sehr haufig eine Tubusfehlposition zur Folge. Daher ist eine rontgenologische Positionskontrolle des Endotrachealtubus nach jeder Intubation unbedingt notwendig. Jede Rotation und Flexion des Kopfes fuhrt zu einer Verschiebung des Tubus bis zu maximal 1,5 cm.
Spontanfrakturen im Säuglingsalter durch Kupfermangel
A preterm infant of 25 weeks’ gestation developed at 4 months of age an “impressed” fracture of the right femur. In another preterm infant of 27 weeks’ gestation, multiple fractures of the radius and metacarpalia were observed at age 5 months. Also a full term twin showed multiple rib fractures. Additional radiological findings were: generalized skeletal osteopenia, cupping and fraying of the metaphyses of the long bones, and subperiosteal new bone formation. Further symptoms were repeated apnoic attacks, anemia, neutropenia, and low serum levels of both copper and coeruloplasmin. Alimentary copper deficiency was diagnosed and oral copper substitution (CuCl2 1,2–2,0 µmol/kg/d) initiated. Th…
Skelettveränderungen bei Frühgeborenen mit Kupfermangel
We describe 5 preterm infants (25th to 30th week of gestation) suffering from alimentary copper deficiency. The diagnosis was confirmed by low serum copper and caeruloplasmin concentrations. Characteristic clinical findings were repeated apnoeic attacks, hypopigmentation of skin and hair, anaemia, neutropenia and leucopenia refractory to other therapy, as well as increasing serum alkaline phosphatase activity in the first month of life. Starting in the 3rd to 12th week of life the radiographic findings were general skeletal osteoporosis and retardation, metaphyseal radiodense lines, irregular metaphyses, cupping and spurring of the metaphyses, followed by multiple fractures and subperiostea…