J. Tröger
Katheter und Drainagen
Die Endotrachealintubation hat sehr haufig eine Tubusfehlposition zur Folge. Daher ist eine rontgenologische Positionskontrolle des Endotrachealtubus nach jeder Intubation unbedingt notwendig. Jede Rotation und Flexion des Kopfes fuhrt zu einer Verschiebung des Tubus bis zu maximal 1,5 cm.
Sonographic evidence of intraperitoneal fluid. An experimental study and its clinical implications.
In order to evaluate the sensitivity of ultrasound to intraperitoneal fluid, such as ascites or blood, an experimental study was performed in the pig. Various amounts of fluid were injected into the peritoneal cavity to investigate distribution and diagnostic criteria in different positions. As little as 10 ml of fluid was visualized around the urinary bladder in an upright position. In the supine position, 20 ml could be detected around the bladder and 30 ml around the liver. The injection of at least 60 ml resulted in a pattern of free-floating bowel loops. The sonographic findings of fluid distribution were correlated to radiological studies. As different amounts of fluid produce charact…
Klinischer Verlauf und Narbenentwicklung beim operierten vesico-renalen Reflux in einer Langzeitbeobachtung
62 patients (14 boys, 48 girls) representing 85 refluxive renal units (Grade 2-4) were investigated after successful operation for the development of further urinary tract infections (UTI) and renal scars (RS). The mean follow-up was 9.3 years. With the exception of one boy, none of the male patients developed any UTI or new RS. A similar result was obtained for about 45% of the girls. These two groups of patients presented with high-grade reflux before surgery. The remaining female patients (about 55%), however, presenting with lower-grade reflux before surgical treatment, developed further UTI as well as new RS despite surgical correction of their reflux. Investigations on the capacity of…
Long-term follow-up of children with surgically treated vesicorenal reflux: postoperative incidence of urinary tract infections, renal scars and arterial hypertension.
With a mean follow-up of 10.8 years, 160 female and 29 male patients were investigated after successful correction of vesicoureterorenal reflux. All patients suffered from urinary tract infection (UTI) preoperatively, while postoperatively 42% of the patients developed further UTIs but with a significantly diminished rate of febrile infections. In comparison to a group of patients without postoperative UTI (n = 16), the uroepithelial cells of those patients with a high infection rate after reflux correction showed a significantly lower bacterial growth suppression (n = 37). Renal scars were found in 22% of the investigated renal units with operated ureters (n = 211). Of the preoperatively u…