Laura Muñoz-puelles
Vindication of Ulota pygmaeothecia (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta)
Ulota pygmaeothecia (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. and Ulota luteola (Hook.f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad. are two epiphytic mosses from the evergreen Magellanic rainforests of southern South America. Both mosses have been considered as distinct species since their original description, with their specific status retained following the comprehensive review by Nicolajs Malta of South American Ulota (1927). Recently the synonymization of U. pygmaeothecia and U. luteola was proposed (Wang & Jia 2016), based mainly on the similarities stated in the protologues and the study of the available type specimens of U. pygmaeothecia and U. fulvella, as the type materials of U. luteola were lost in the mail…
Assessing the conservation values and tourism threats in Barrientos Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctica has been witnessing continued growth of tourism, both in the overall visitation and in the diversity of itineraries and visitor activities. Expanding tourism presents unique business and educational opportunities, but it is also putting immense pressure on Antarctica's natural, and for the most parts, pristine environment. Understanding the effectiveness of different tourism management strategies and instruments, like the Visitor Site Guidelines adopted by the Antarctic Treaty, is fundamental to the sustainable management of Antarctic tourism. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of Visitor Site Guidelines and other tourism management actions in reducing impa…
Ulota drummondii(Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) in the Iberian Peninsula
Ulota drummondii (Hook. & Grev.) Brid. is a Suboceanic Boreal-montane epiphytic moss whose disjunct distribution includes both coasts of North America, East Asia, as well as northern and central Europe, being an extraordinarily rare moss in its southernmost known localities in Europe. It was reported some years ago from northern Spain, but the revision of the specimens on which the record was based demonstrate to be misidentified. Therefore, this species was not included in the treatment of the genus Ulota in the Flora Briofitica Iberica. Recently, the species was collected 140 km away of the previous erroneous record, and this led to a search for other specimens from the main Iberian herba…