Pedro Alonso
Heterogeneous PBLAS: Optimization of PBLAS for Heterogeneous Computational Clusters
This paper presents a package, called Heterogeneous PBLAS (HeteroPBLAS), which is built on top of PBLAS and provides optimized parallel basic linear algebra subprograms for heterogeneous computational clusters. We present the user interface and the software hierarchy of the first research implementation of HeteroPBLAS. This is the first step towards the development of a parallel linear algebra package for heterogeneous computational clusters. We demonstrate the efficiency of the HeteroPBLAS programs on a homogeneous computing cluster and a heterogeneous computing cluster.
Scalable Dense Factorizations for Heterogeneous Computational Clusters
This paper discusses the design and the implementation of the LU factorization routines included in the Heterogeneous ScaLAPACK library, which is built on top of ScaLAPACK. These routines are used in the factorization and solution of a dense system of linear equations. They are implemented using optimized PBLAS, BLACS and BLAS libraries for heterogeneous computational clusters. We present the details of the implementation as well as performance results on a heterogeneous computing cluster.
Experimental Study of Six Different Implementations of Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Computational Clusters of Multicore Processors
Two strategies of distribution of computations can be used to implement parallel solvers for dense linear algebra problems for Heterogeneous Computational Clusters of Multicore Processors (HCoMs). These strategies are called Heterogeneous Process Distribution Strategy (HPS) and Heterogeneous Data Distribution Strategy (HDS). They are not novel and have been researched thoroughly. However, the advent of multicores necessitates enhancements to them. In this paper, we present these enhancements. Our study is based on experiments using six applications to perform Parallel Matrix-matrix Multiplication (PMM) on an HCoM employing the two distribution strategies.
Small Bowel Enteroscopy − A Joint Clinical Guideline from the Spanish and Portuguese Small Bowel Study Groups
The present evidence-based guidelines are focused on the use of device-assisted enteroscopy in the management of small-bowel diseases. A panel of experts selected by the Spanish and Portuguese small bowel study groups reviewed the available evidence focusing on the main indications of this technique, its role in the management algorithm of each indication and on its diagnostic and therapeutic yields. A set of recommendations were issued accordingly.Estas recomendações baseadas na evidência detalham o uso da enteroscopia assistida por dispositivo no manejo clínico das doenças do intestino delgado. Um conjunto de Gastrenterologistas diferenciados em patologia do intestino delgado foi selecion…