Reinaldo Almeida

Profiling of lipid species by normal-phase liquid chromatography, nanoelectrospray ionization, and ion trap–orbitrap mass spectrometry

Detailed analysis of lipid species can be challenging due to their structural diversity and wide concentration range in cells, tissues, and biofluids. To address these analytical challenges, we devised a reproducible, sensitive, and integrated lipidomics workflow based on normal-phase liquid chromatography-Fourier transform mass spectrometry (LC-FTMS) and LC-ITMS(2) (ion trap tandem mass spectrometry) for profiling and structural analysis of lipid species. The workflow uses a normal-phase LC system for efficient separation of apolar and polar lipid species combined with sensitive and specific analysis powered by a chip-based nanoelectrospray ion source and a hybrid ion trap-orbitrap mass sp…

research product

Quantitative Spatial Analysis of the Mouse Brain Lipidome by Pressurized Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis

Here we describe a novel surface sampling technique termed pressurized liquid extraction surface analysis (PLESA), which in combination with a dedicated high-resolution shotgun lipidomics routine enables both quantification and in-depth structural characterization of molecular lipid species extracted directly from tissue sections. PLESA uses a sealed and pressurized sampling probe that enables the use of chloroform-containing extraction solvents for efficient in situ lipid microextraction with a spatial resolution of 400 μm. Quantification of lipid species is achieved by the inclusion of internal lipid standards in the extraction solvent. The analysis of lipid microextracts by nanoelectrosp…

research product