Randolf Pohl

Compact 20-pass thin-disk amplifier insensitive to thermal lensing

We present a multi-pass amplifier which passively compensates for distortions of the spherical phase front occurring in the active medium. The design is based on the Fourier transform propagation which makes the output beam parameters insensitive to variation of thermal lens effects in the active medium. The realized system allows for 20 reflections on the active medium and delivers a small signal gain of 30 with M$^2$ = 1.16. Its novel geometry combining Fourier transform propagations with 4f-imaging stages as well as a compact array of adjustable mirrors allows for a layout with a footprint of 400 mm x 1000 mm.

research product

Spatial hole burning in thin-disk lasers and twisted-mode operation.

Spatial hole burning prevents single-frequency operation of thin-disk lasers when the thin disk is used as a folding mirror. We present an evaluation of the saturation effects in the disk for disks acting as end-mirrors and as folding-mirrors explaining one of the main obstacles towards single-frequency operation. It is shown that a twisted-mode scheme based on a multi-order quarter-wave plate combined with a polarizer provides an almost complete suppression of spatial hole burning and creates an additional wavelength selectivity that enforces efficient single-frequency operation.

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Deuteron charge radius and Rydberg constant from spectroscopy data in atomic deuterium

We give a pedagogical description of the method to extract the charge radii and Rydberg constant from laser spectroscopy in regular hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D) atoms, that is part of the CODATA least-squares adjustment (LSA) of the fundamental physical constants. We give a deuteron charge radius Rd from D spectroscopy alone of 2.1415(45) fm. This value is independent of the measurements that lead to the proton charge radius, and five times more accurate than the value found in the CODATA Adjustment 10. The improvement is due to the use of a value for the 1S->2S transition in atomic deuterium which can be inferred from published data or found in a PhD thesis.

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Laser spectroscopy of light muonic atoms and the nuclear charge radii

The energy levels of hydrogen-like atomic systems are shifted slightly by the complex structure of the nucleus, in particular by the finite size of the nucleus. These energy shifts are vastly magnified in muonic atoms and ions, i.e. the hydrogen-like systems formed by a negative muon and a nucleus. By measuring the 2S-2P energy splitting in muonic hydrogen, muonic deuterium and muonic helium, we have been able to deduce the p, d, ^33He and ^44He nuclear charge radii to an unprecedented accuracy. These radii provide benchmarks for hadron and nuclear theories, lead to precision tests of bound-state QED in regular atoms and to a better determination of the Rydberg constant.

research product

Theory of the n = 2 levels in muonic helium-3 ions

The present knowledge of Lamb shift, fine-, and hyperfine structure of the 2S and 2P states in muonic helium-3 ions is reviewed in anticipation of the results of a first measurement of several 2S → 2P transition frequencies in the muonic helium-3 ion, μ3He+. This ion is the bound state of a single negative muon μ- and a bare helium-3 nucleus (helion), 3He++. A term-by-term comparison of all available sources, including new, updated, and so far unpublished calculations, reveals reliable values and uncertainties of the QED and nuclear structure-dependent contributions to the Lamb shift and the hyperfine splitting. These values are essential for the determination of the helion rms charge radiu…

research product

Multipass amplifiers with self-compensation of the thermal lens

We present a novel architecture for a multi-pass amplifier based on a succession of optical Fourier transforms and short propagations that shows a superior stability for variations of the thermal lens compared to state-of-the-art 4f-based amplifiers. We found that the proposed multi-pass amplifier is robust to variations of the active medium dioptric power. The superiority of the proposed architecture is demonstrated by analyzing the variations of the size and divergence of the output beam in form of a Taylor expansion around the design value for variations of the thermal lens in the active medium. The dependence of the output beam divergence and size is investigated also for variations of …

research product

Theory of the Lamb shift and Fine Structure in muonic $\mathrm{^4He}$ ions and the muonic $\mathrm{^3He-^4He}$ Isotope Shift

We provide an up to date summary of the theory contributions to the 2S-2P Lamb shift and the fine structure of the 2P state in the muonic helium ion $(\mathrm{\mu^4He})^+$. This summary serves as the basis for the extraction of the alpha particle charge radius from the muonic helium Lamb shift measurements at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Individual theory contributions needed for a charge radius extraction are compared and compiled into a consistent summary. The influence of the alpha particle charge distribution on the elastic two-photon exchange is studied to take into account possible model-dependencies of the energy levels on the electric form factor of the nucleus. We also…

research product

Quantum Interference Line Shifts of Broad Dipole‐Allowed Transitions

research product

Improved active fiber-based retroreflector with intensity stabilization and a polarization monitor for the near UV.

We present an improved active fiber-based retroreflector (AFR) providing high-quality wavefront-retracing anti-parallel laser beams in the near UV. We use our improved AFR for first-order Doppler-shift suppression in precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen, but our setup can be adapted to other applications where wavefront-retracing beams with defined laser polarization are important. We demonstrate how weak aberrations produced by the fiber collimator may remain unobserved in the intensity of the collimated beam but limit the performance of the AFR. Our general results on characterizing these aberrations with a caustic measurement can be applied to any system where a collimated high-qual…

research product

Nuclear structure with radioactive muonic atoms

Muonic atoms have been used to extract the most accurate nuclear charge radii based on the detection of X-rays from the muonic cascades. Most stable and a few unstable isotopes have been investigated with muonic atom spectroscopy techniques. A new research project recently started at the Paul Scherrer Institut aims to extend the highresolution muonic atom spectroscopy for the precise determination of nuclear charge radii and other nuclear structure properties of radioactive isotopes. The challenge to combine the high-energy muon beam with small quantity of stopping mass is being addressed by developing the concept of stopping the muon in a high-density, a high-pressure hydrogen cell and sub…

research product

The next generation of laser spectroscopy experiments using light muonic atoms

Precision spectroscopy of light muonic atoms provides unique information about the atomic and nuclear structure of these systems and thus represents a way to access fundamental interactions, properties and constants. One application comprises the determination of absolute nuclear charge radii with unprecedented accuracy from measurements of the 2S - 2P Lamb shift. Here, we review recent results of nuclear charge radii extracted from muonic hydrogen and helium spectroscopy and present experiment proposals to access light muonic atoms with Z ≥ 3. In addition, our approaches towards a precise measurement of the Zemach radii in muonic hydrogen (μp) and helium (μ 3He+) are discussed. These resul…

research product

Measurement of the quadrupole moment of Re185 and Re187 from the hyperfine structure of muonic X rays

The hyperfine splitting of the 5g→4f transitions in muonic Re185,187 has been measured using high resolution high purity germanium detectors and compared to state-of-the-art atomic theoretical predictions. The spectroscopic quadrupole moment has been extracted using modern fitting procedures and compared to the values available in literature obtained from muonic x rays of natural rhenium. The extracted values of the nuclear spectroscopic quadrupole moment are 2.07(5) b and 1.94(5) b, respectively for Re185 and Re187.

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Passive alignment stability and auto-alignment of multipass amplifiers based on Fourier transforms.

The stability properties of Fourier-based multipass amplifier to misalignments (tilts) of its optical components has been investigated. For this purpose, a method to quantify the sensitivity to tilts based on the amplifier small signal gain has been elaborated and compared with measurements. To improve on the tilt stability by more than an order of magnitude a simple auto-alignment system has been proposed and tested. This study, combined with other investigations devoted to the stability of the output beam to variations of aperture and thermal lens effects of the active medium, qualifies the Fourier-based amplifier for the high-energy and the high-power sector.

research product

Theory of the Lamb Shift and fine structure in muonic 4He ions and the muonic 3He– 4He Isotope Shift

Abstract We provide an up to date summary of the theory contributions to the 2S → 2P Lamb shift and the fine structure of the 2P state in the muonic helium ion ( μ 4 He ) + . This summary serves as the basis for the extraction of the alpha particle charge radius from the muonic helium Lamb shift measurements at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Individual theory contributions needed for a charge radius extraction are compared and compiled into a consistent summary. The influence of the alpha particle charge distribution on the elastic two-photon exchange is studied to take into account possible model-dependencies of the energy levels on the electric form factor of the nucleus. We al…

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