Syksy Rasanen
Transverse Spectra of Hadrons in Central $AA$ Collisions at RHIC and LHC from pQCD+Saturation+Hydrodynamics and from pQCD+Energy Losses
We study the transverse spectra of hadrons in nearly central $AA$ collisions at RHIC and LHC in a broad transverse momentum range Low-$p_T$ spectra are calculated by using boost-invariant hydrodynamics with initial energy and net-baryon densities from the EKRT pQCD+saturation model. High-$p_T$ spectra are obtained from pQCD jet calculation including the energy loss of the parton in the matter prior to its fragmentation to final hadrons.
Transverse spectra of hadrons at RHIC
We present results on spectra of pions, kaons and (anti)protons from a study of heavy ion collisions using the perturbative QCD + saturation model to calculate the production of initial (transverse) energy and baryon number followed by a hydrodynamic description of the expansion of produced matter. In particular, we study how the hadron spectra and multiplicities depend on the decoupling temperature $\Tdec$ when the low temperature phase contains all hadrons and and hadron resonances with mass below 2 GeV. We show that the spectra and multiplicities of pions, kaons and (anti)protons measured at RHIC in central Au+Au collisions with $\sqrt s=130$ GeV can be obtained with a single decoupling …
Predictions for low-pTand high-pThadron spectra in nearly central Pb+Pb collisions atsNN=5.5TeV tested atsNN=130and 200 GeV
We study the hadron spectra in nearly central $A+A$ collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in a broad transverse momentum range. We cover the low-${p}_{T}$ spectra using longitudinally boost-invariant hydrodynamics with initial energy and net-baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD (pQCD)+saturation model. Buildup of the transverse flow and sensitivity of the spectra to a single decoupling temperature ${T}_{\mathrm{dec}}$ are studied. Comparison with RHIC data at $\sqrt{{s}_{\mathit{NN}}}=130$ and 200 GeV suggests a rather high value ${T}_{\mathrm{dec}}=150$ MeV. The high-${p}_{T}$ spectra are computed using factorized pQCD cro…
Multiplicities and Transverse Energies in Central AA Collisions at RHIC and LHC from pQCD, Saturation and Hydrodynamics
We compute the particle multiplicities and transverse energies at central and nearly central AA collisions at RHIC and LHC. The initial state is computed from perturbative QCD supplemented by the conjecture of saturation of produced partons. The expansion stage is described in terms of hydrodynamics assuming longitudinal boost invariance and azimuthal symmetry. Transverse flow effects, a realistic list of hadrons and resonance decays are included. Comparison with the data of the multiplicities at $\sqrt s=56$ AGeV and 130 AGeV from RHIC is done and predictions for the full RHIC energy and LHC energy are made for the multiplicities and transverse energies. The reduction from the initially re…
Dependence of hadron spectra on decoupling temperature and resonance contributions
Using equilibrium hydrodynamics with initial conditions for the energy and net baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD + saturation model, a good simultaneous description of the measured pion, kaon and (anti)proton spectra in central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt s=130 A$GeV is found with a single decoupling temperature $\Tdec=150...160$ MeV. The interplay between the resonance content of the EoS and the development of the transverse flow leads to inverse slopes and $$ of hadrons which increase with decreasing $\Tdec$. The origin of this result is discussed.
On hydrodynamical description of thermal photons
The WA98 collaboration in the CERN SPS has reported an excess of photons over those originating from the decays of final hadrons in the lead-lead collisions. These photons can originate either from primary interactions of partons from colliding nuclei or from secondary interactions among produced particles. Photons produced in the secondary interactions, often called thermal photons, can be calculated by using thermal production rates and equilibrium hydrodynamics for the evolution of the expanding matter. I will review the main features of hydrodynamical studies for the WA98 data. The data can be reproduced both with or without a phase transition to the QGP, but high initial temperature, o…