O. Krischek
Shock-wave therapy for tennis and golfer's elbow - 1 year follow-up
Thirty patients with chronic medial epicondylitis were treated with low-energy shock waves. They received 500 impulses of 0.08 mJ/mm2 three times at weekly intervals. At 1 year follow-up examinations were performed. According to the Verhaar criteria, only seven patients reached excellent or good results. In eight cases a fair outcome was recorded, and in 14 patients the outcome was poor. Only six patients were satisfied with the treatment. The average relief of pain was 32%. These data were significantly worse than for identically treated patients with chronic tennis elbow. Thus, the question arises as to whether extracorporal shock-wave therapy is indicated in medial epicondylitis.
Chronische Insertions- tendopathie am lateralen Epicondylus humeri
Fragestellung: Seit Beginn der 90er Jahre wurde in der Orthopadischen Universitatsklinik Mainz uberpruft, bei welchen Krankheitsbildern die niederenergetische extrakorporale Stoswellentherapie sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Methode: In einer prospektiv-randomierten Studie wurde die Wirksamkeit der 3maligen Applikation von 1000 vs. 10 Impulsen niedriger Energieflusdichte bei chronischer Epicondylopathia humeri radialis uberpruft. Ergebnisse: Sehr gute oder gute Ergebnisse lagen nach einem Follow-up von 12 Monaten bei 26 von 50 Patienten der Behandlungsgruppe vor, aber lediglich bei 3 der Kontrollgruppe. Schlusfolgerungen: Zusammenfassend last sich sagen, das die Methode bei entsprechender …
Überprüfung der Läsionsgefahr des N. ischiadicus des Kaninchens durch die Applikation niedrig- und mittelenergetischer extrakorporaler Stoßwellen
Aim The aim of the study was to evaluate the likeliness for peripheral nerve lesions following extracorporeal shock wave application. Material and method 82 rabbit sciatic nerves were randomized to undergo low-energetic (0.08 mJ/mm2), middle-energetic (0.28 mJ/mm2) or no (controls) shock wave therapy. After 1 to 28 days an independent neuropathologist checked the specimen for signs of neural lesions. Results Only after 14 and 28 days vacuolic swelling of the axons was noted, somewhat pronounced in the middle-energetic group. In no case was there any disruption of the nerve's continuity. We did not observe any neurapraxia. Conclusion Shock wave application does not threaten peripheral nerve …