C. Hopf
Shock-wave therapy for tennis and golfer's elbow - 1 year follow-up
Thirty patients with chronic medial epicondylitis were treated with low-energy shock waves. They received 500 impulses of 0.08 mJ/mm2 three times at weekly intervals. At 1 year follow-up examinations were performed. According to the Verhaar criteria, only seven patients reached excellent or good results. In eight cases a fair outcome was recorded, and in 14 patients the outcome was poor. Only six patients were satisfied with the treatment. The average relief of pain was 32%. These data were significantly worse than for identically treated patients with chronic tennis elbow. Thus, the question arises as to whether extracorporal shock-wave therapy is indicated in medial epicondylitis.
Orthopedic and neurosurgical treatment of severe kyphosis in myelomeningocele
Kyphosis in myelomeningocele is characterized by a complex pattern of problems during development and therapy. On the one hand, decompensation of upright posture leads to loss of sitting ability and social integration; on the other hand, accompanying malformations and trophic alterations threaten the physical integrity and performance. Neurologic function, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation, skeletal deformity and the urinary transport system need to be kept in mind and need to be treated with cooperation between the different specialties. Especially during serious surgical interventions such as spinal surgery, neither the nervous system nor the kidneys must be ignored. Sixteen patients …
Sagittal static imbalance in myelomeningocele patients: improvement in sitting ability by partial and total gibbus resection
The progression of kyphosis in myelomeningocele is independent of skeletal growth and requires early operative correction and stabilization to prevent a loss of sitting ability. In severe cases, only vertebrectomy makes it possible to achieve correction, stability and skin-closure without tension. In 14 patients with myelomeningocele gibbus, kyphectomy was performed, removing two vertebral bodies on average. The average kyphosis angle decreased from 128 degrees to 81 degrees, enabling most of the patients to participate again in social life by restoring wheelchair mobility. Nevertheless, a significantly higher complication rate was found compared to other correctional operations, lengthenin…
Operative Treatment of Scoliosis With Cotrel-Dubousset-Hopf Instrumentation
Study design This study analyzes the effects of a new anterior spinal instrumentation system and the results of use in 50 patients with scoliosis. Objectives Anterior spine systems are reviewed. The principles of a new anterior spinal instrumentation system allowing for postoperative care without external support are discussed. Summary of background data Numerous different implants have been presented in the literature for anterior spinal surgery. Nevertheless a primary stable anterior instrumentation was not available for multisegmental procedures until now, and the restoration of lordosis in the lumbar spine was very difficult with the common devices. The development of more stable device…
Development of scoliosis in myelomeningocele. Differences in the history caused by idiopathic pattern.
The natural history of scoliosis in the literature concerning the idiopathic and neuromuscular scoliosis in myelomeningocele patients (MMC) are compared to our own results in 12 patients with MMC and 89 patients operated because of an idiopathic scoliosis. According to known experiences the natural history of scoliosis in MMC is progression even after the end of growth. The chance of developing a scoliosis increases with the patients, age and the level of the lesion. The higher the level of paralysis the more common is a spinal deformity. In literature the progression rate of MMC scoliosis is 2.5-3.5 degrees per year, with the idiopathic pattern 0.5-0.65 degrees per year after end of growth…
Low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy for painful heel: a prospective controlled single-blind study.
The aim of this prospective single-blind pilot study was to explore the pain-alleviating effect of low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in painful heel associated with inferior calcaneal spurs. Thirty patients who suffered from persistent symptoms for more than 12 months qualified for low-energy ESWT and were assigned at random to two groups, real or simulated ESWT. Before beginning the treatment, any other therapy was stopped for a period of 6 weeks. The shock waves were applied by an experimental device allowing exact localization through an integrated fluoroscopy unit. Patients were treated three times at weekly intervals. Each time 1000 impulses of 0.06 mJ/mm2 were given …
Chronische Insertions- tendopathie am lateralen Epicondylus humeri
Fragestellung: Seit Beginn der 90er Jahre wurde in der Orthopadischen Universitatsklinik Mainz uberpruft, bei welchen Krankheitsbildern die niederenergetische extrakorporale Stoswellentherapie sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Methode: In einer prospektiv-randomierten Studie wurde die Wirksamkeit der 3maligen Applikation von 1000 vs. 10 Impulsen niedriger Energieflusdichte bei chronischer Epicondylopathia humeri radialis uberpruft. Ergebnisse: Sehr gute oder gute Ergebnisse lagen nach einem Follow-up von 12 Monaten bei 26 von 50 Patienten der Behandlungsgruppe vor, aber lediglich bei 3 der Kontrollgruppe. Schlusfolgerungen: Zusammenfassend last sich sagen, das die Methode bei entsprechender …
Metastatic instability at the proximal end of the femur
A retrospective study was performed of the surgical treatment of metastatic lesions of the proximal femur in 50 patients. In 25 consecutive cases a megaprosthesis was implanted; compound plate osteosynthesis was performed in another 25 consecutive patients. Indications for surgical treatment were pathological fractures or, for prophylactic treatment, lesions of the femoral cortex exceeding 2.5 cm in diameter or affecting half the diameter of the bone or more. In all patients capable of walking preoperatively mobility was regained. Immediate full weight-bearing stability was obtained in all patients. Group analysis showed that the functional rating of the hip joint was unchanged, i.e., good …
Decompression/Stabilization of the Metastatic Spine: Cotrel-Dubousset-Lnstrumentation in 50 Patients Jan
50 patients with metastatic disease of the spine underwent dorsal decompression and stabilization with the Cotrel-Dubousset-Instrumentation from 1987 to 1991. Indications for surgical treatment were neurologic deficit, spinal instability, and/or pain resistant to medical or radiation treatment. No external orthotics were used postoperatively. Pain was relieved dramatically in 45 patients. Among 25 patients suffering from neurologic deficit preoperatively, 13 improved, 15 remained unchanged, whereas 2 developed an incomplete, transient paraplegia. 15 (7) patients were alive after 1 (2) years. Postoperative complications were frequent, but there were only 2 failures of the stabilization devic…
Outcome after palliative posterior surgery for metastatic disease of the spine - evaluation of 106 consecutive patients after decompression and stabilisation with the Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation
From 1987 to 1996, 106 consecutive patients with metastatic disease of the spine who underwent palliative decompression from a dorsal approach and subsequent stabilisation with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation (CDI) were followed prospectively, and independent of the surgeons. Parameters evaluated were neurological function, perioperative complications, survival and rehabilitation. Following the Frankel system for the assessment of neurological disorder, 33 patients had a major deficit (grade A, B or C), 23 a minor deficit (grade D) and 50 no deficit. If there was no neurological dysfunction, the only patients who underwent operation were those graded as class IV according to Harrington. Ou…
Skoliose und Hüftbeugekontraktur bei Duchennescher Muskel-dystrophie
UNLABELLED Spinal deformity is common in muscular dystrophy and usually occurs after loss of walking ability. Unlike in idiopathic and other scoliosis forms, there seems to be no side preference of the convexity. Aim of the study was to analyse, if there is any relation between incidence and extent of walking ability, lower limb contractures and development of scoliosis. METHODS In a retrospective study, 45 patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who underwent surgery were analysed, concerning walking ability, contractures of lower extremities and scoliosis. RESULTS 1: No scoliosis was observed in ambulatory patients. 2: 96% of the wheelchair bound patients suffered from scoliosis. 3: 96%…
Der Einsatz der Tumorprothese bei sekundär-neoplastischer Destruktion des proximalen Femurendes
Total hip arthroplasty was performed with PMMA-augmented tumor prostheses in 42 individuals suffering from metastatic destruction of the proximal end of the femur at the Orthopedic University Hospital Mainz from 1980 to 1992. Neoplastic lesions had been triggered by carcinomas of the breast in 25 female patients. 24 of our patients presented with pathologic fractures. In all patients capable of walking preoperatively early mobilization could be attained by total hip arthroplasty. Pain relief was achieved in each patient. Resection of the major trochanter and, partially, of the pelvitrochanteric muscle sleeve entailed luxation of the prosthesis six times in 5 individuals during the first pos…
Operative management of epidural tumors of the spine
Seventy-two patients with neoplastic involvement of the vertebral column were operated on between 1986 and 1991. In the course of 79 operations anterior decompression and stabilization alone were performed in 3 cases, while ventrodorsal spondylodesis was carried out in 10 individuals. The remainder of the patients underwent exclusively dorsal decompression and stabilization, mainly with the Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation (CDI). No external spinal support was required following posterior fixation by CDI alone or in combination with ventral spondylodesis. Forty patients suffered from neurological deficits preoperatively, 20 of them being unable to walk, in most cases owing to severe vertebr…
Shoulder function after extracorporal shock wave therapy for calcific tendinitis.
We report a controlled, prospective study that explored the effect of extracorporal shock waves of low- versus high-energy density in patients with chronic shoulder pain and calcific tendinitis. We assigned at random 100 patients who had had calcific tendinitis for more than 12 months to 2 groups to receive shock wave therapy either of a low- or high-energy density. Group 1 received 1500 impulses of 0.06 mJ/mm2, whereas group 2 received 1500 impulses of 0.28 mJ/mm2. Unlike group 1, in which the shock wave application could be performed without local anesthesia, all patients in group 2 required brachial plexus anesthesia. The patients were reviewed at 6 and 24 weeks. Partial or complete disi…