Vahur Zadin
Au nanowire junction breakup through surface atom diffusion.
Metallic nanowires are known to break into shorter fragments due to the Rayleigh instability mechanism. This process is strongly accelerated at elevated temperatures and can completely hinder the functioning of nanowire-based devices like e.g. transparent conductive and flexible coatings. At the same time, arranged gold nanodots have important applications in electrochemical sensors. In this paper we perform a series of annealing experiments of gold and silver nanowires and nanowire junctions at fixed temperatures 473, 673, 873 and 973 K (200 degrees C, 400 degrees C, 600 degrees C and 700 degrees C) during a time period of 10 min. We show that nanowires are especially prone to fragmentatio…
Mechanical characterisation of pentagonal gold nanowires in three different test configurations: A comparative study.
Abstract Mechanical characterisation of individual nanostructures is a challenging task and can greatly benefit from the utilisation of several alternative approaches to increase the reliability of results. In the present work, we have measured and compared the elastic modulus of five-fold twinned gold nanowires (NWs) with atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation in three different test configurations: three-point bending with fixed ends, three-point bending with free ends and cantilevered-beam bending. The free-ends condition was realized by introducing a novel approach where the NW is placed diagonally inside an inverted pyramid chemically etched in a silicon wafer. In addition, all thre…
The effect of heat treatment on the morphology and mobility of Au nanoparticles
This work was supported by The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France and the French Embassy Program. The authors are also grateful for partial support by COST Action CA15216, the Estonian Science Foundation (grants PUT1689 and PUT1372), the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource Efficient Smart Buildings and Districts, ZEBE, grant 2014-2020. and Latvian Science Council grant lzp-2018/2-0083.
Abrupt elastic-to-plastic transition in pentagonal nanowires under bending
MD modeling and calculations were supported by Russian Science Foundation project grant 18-19-00645 “Adhesion of polymer-based soft materials: from liquid to solid”; mechanical testing and FEM simulations were supported by Estonian Research Council projects PUT1689 and PUT1372.
Structural factor in bending testing of fivefold twinned nanowires revealed by finite element analysis
In this study, we performed finite element method simulations to investigate the effect of the structure on the elastic response of Ag and Au nanowires (NWs) with a fivefold twinned crystal structure in bending tests. Two different models of a pentagonal NW were created: a 'uniform model' having an isotropic continuous structure and a 'segmented model' consisting of five anisotropic domains. Two asymmetrical mechanical test configurations were simulated: cantilevered beam bending and 3-point bending. The dimensions of the NW, the test configurations, as well as the force and the displacement ranges were based on the previously obtained experimental data. The results of the simulations demon…