Andrea Dall'aglio
Bounded solutions to the 1-Laplacian equation with a critical gradient term
Quasi-linear parabolic equations with degenerate coercivity having a quadratic gradient term
We study existence and regularity of distributional solutions for possibly degenerate quasi-linear parabolic problems having a first order term which grows quadratically in the gradient. The model problem we refer to is the following (1){ut−div(α(u)∇u)=β(u)|∇u|2+f(x,t),in Ω×]0,T[;u(x,t)=0,on ∂Ω×]0,T[;u(x,0)=u0(x),in Ω. Here Ω is a bounded open set in RN, T>0. The unknown function u=u(x,t) depends on x∈Ω and t∈]0,T[. The symbol ∇u denotes the gradient of u with respect to x. The real functions α, β are continuous; moreover α is positive, bounded and may vanish at ±∞. As far as the data are concerned, we require the following assumptions: ∫ΩΦ(u0(x))dx<∞ where Φ is a convenient function which …
Regularity of renormalized solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations away from the support of measure data
We prove boundedness and continuity for solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the equation $$ - {\rm{div}}(a(x,\nabla u)) = h(x,u) + \mu ,\;\;\;\;\;{\rm{in}}\;{\rm{\Omega }} \subset \mathbb{R}^{N},$$ where the left-hand side is a Leray-Lions operator from $$- {W}^{1,p}_0(\Omega)$$ into W−1,p′(Ω) with 1 < p < N, h(x,s) is a Caratheodory function which grows like ∣s∣p−1 and μ is a finite Radon measure. We prove that renormalized solutions, though not globally bounded, are Holder-continuous far from the support of μ.
Multiplicity of Solutions to Elliptic Problems Involving the 1-Laplacian with a Critical Gradient Term
Abstract In the present paper we study the Dirichlet problem for an equation involving the 1-Laplacian and a total variation term as reaction.We prove a strong multiplicity result. Namely, we show that for any positive Radon measure concentrated in a set away from the boundary and singular with respect to a certain capacity, there exists an unbounded solution, and measures supported on disjoint sets generate different solutions.These results can be viewed as the analogue for the 1-Laplacian operator of some known multiplicity results which were first obtained by Ireneo Peral, to whom this article is dedicated, and his collaborators.
Global Existence for Nonlinear Parabolic Problems With Measure Data– Applications to Non-uniqueness for Parabolic Problems With Critical Gradient terms
Abstract In the present article we study global existence for a nonlinear parabolic equation having a reaction term and a Radon measure datum: where 1 < p < N, Ω is a bounded open subset of ℝN (N ≥ 2), Δpu = div(|∇u|p−2∇u) is the so called p-Laplacian operator, sign s ., ϕ(ν0) ∈ L1(Ω), μ is a finite Radon measure and f ∈ L∞(Ω×(0, T)) for every T > 0. Then we apply this existence result to show wild nonuniqueness for a connected nonlinear parabolic problem having a gradient term with natural growth.