Holger Weyer
Running Newton Constant, Improved Gravitational Actions, and Galaxy Rotation Curves
A renormalization group (RG) improvement of the Einstein-Hilbert action is performed which promotes Newton's constant and the cosmological constant to scalar functions on spacetime. They arise from solutions of an exact RG equation by means of a ``cutoff identification'' which associates RG scales to the points of spacetime. The resulting modified Einstein equations for spherically symmetric, static spacetimes are derived and analyzed in detail. The modifications of the Newtonian limit due to the RG evolution are obtained for the general case. As an application, the viability of a scenario is investigated where strong quantum effects in the infrared cause Newton's constant to grow at large …
On the Possibility of Quantum Gravity Effects at Astrophysical Scales
The nonperturbative renormalization group flow of Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) is reviewed. It is argued that at large distances there could be strong renormalization effects, including a scale dependence of Newton's constant, which mimic the presence of dark matter at galactic and cosmological scales.
Conformal sector of quantum Einstein gravity in the local potential approximation: Non-Gaussian fixed point and a phase of unbroken diffeomorphism invariance
We explore the nonperturbative renormalization group flow of quantum Einstein gravity (QEG) on an infinite dimensional theory space. We consider ``conformally reduced'' gravity where only fluctuations of the conformal factor are quantized and employ the local potential approximation for its effective average action. The requirement of ``background independence'' in quantum gravity entails a partial differential equation governing the scale dependence of the potential for the conformal factor which differs significantly from that of a scalar matter field. In the infinite dimensional space of potential functions we find a Gaussian as well as a non-Gaussian fixed point which provides further e…
Renormalization group improved gravitational actions: A Brans-Dicke approach
A new framework for exploiting information about the renormalization group (RG) behavior of gravity in a dynamical context is discussed. The Einstein-Hilbert action is RG-improved by replacing Newton's constant and the cosmological constant by scalar functions in the corresponding Lagrangian density. The position dependence of $G$ and $\Lambda$ is governed by a RG equation together with an appropriate identification of RG scales with points in spacetime. The dynamics of the fields $G$ and $\Lambda$ does not admit a Lagrangian description in general. Within the Lagrangian formalism for the gravitational field they have the status of externally prescribed ``background'' fields. The metric sat…
Do we Observe Quantum Gravity Effects at Galactic Scales?
The nonperturbative renormalization group flow of Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) is reviewed. It is argued that there could be strong renormalization effects at large distances, in particular a scale dependent Newton constant, which mimic the presence of dark matter at galactic and cosmological scales.