Michaela Trippl
Innovation Policies for Regional Structural Change: Combining Actor-Based and System-Based Strategies
This chapter analyses opportunities and challenges for regional innovation policies designed to promote new path development in different types of regional innovation systems (RISs). RISs differ enormously in their capacity to develop new growth paths due to pronounced differences in endogenous potentials and varying abilities to attract and absorb exogenous sources for new path development. We distinguish between different types of regional industrial path development, which reflect various degrees of radicalness of regional structural change. The chapter offers a conceptual analysis of conditions and influences that enable and constrain new path development in different types of RISs and …
Perspectives on Cluster Evolution: Critical Review and Future Research Issues
The past two decades have witnessed an ever-growing scholarly interest in regional clusters. The focus of research has mainly been on why clusters exist and what characteristics “functioning” clusters hold. Although the interest in more dynamic views on clusters is not new, in recent years, however, more attention has been paid to providing better explanations of how clusters change and develop over time, giving rise to an increasing popularity of different variants of the cluster life cycle approach. This article offers a critical review of various cluster life cycle models. We discuss the key ideas and arguments put forward by their main protagonists and we identify several shortcomings –…
Exogenously Led and Policy-Supported New Path Development in Peripheral Regions: Analytical and Synthetic Routes
AbstractThe aim of this article is to explore how new industrial paths emerge and grow in peripheral regional economies. Current conceptualizations of regional path development are based on experiences from core regions and fail to provide satisfactory theoretical explanations of new path-creating activities in peripheral areas. Our conceptual approach combines the notions of path development and knowledge bases, enabling us to distinguish between an analytic and a synthetic route of path creation. We argue that due emphasis should be given to exogenous sources of new path development and policy actions in order to understand how analytical and synthetic routes unfold in peripheral regions.…
Njøs, Rune 2018. The Role of Multilevel Dynamics and Agency in Regional Industrial Renewal
The doctoral thesis makes a relevant contribution to scholarly discussions in evolutionary economic geography (EEG) about how regional industrial restructuring unfolds over time and in space. The t...
Exogenous sources of regional industrial change
The role of exogenous sources of new path development has been underplayed in the literature on regional industrial change so far. The aim of this article is to explore in a conceptual way under which conditions and in what ways non-local knowledge can lead to new path development in different regional innovation systems (RISs). We distinguish between organizationally thick and diversified RISs, thick and specialized RISs and thin RISs and argue that these types vary substantially in their needs for exogenous sources as well as in their capacities to attract and absorb knowledge generated elsewhere.
Unravelling green regional industrial path development: Regional preconditions, asset modification and agency
Abstract Regions across the world are searching for ways to fashion new green growth paths and to promote green shifts in mature industries. The article aims to explore conceptually and based on illustrative empirical examples from the literature how green restructuring unfolds in regions. We propose a framework that explicates how regional preconditions in form of pre-existing industrial structures, organisational support structures, institutional set-ups and natural assets are transformed into various types of green path development through agentic processes of asset modification.
Unrelated knowledge combinations: the unexplored potential for regional industrial path development
The paper engages in a critical discussion of the related variety regional branching argument and foregrounds a more differentiated perspective on regional industrial path development. It contributes by i) sharpening the definition of key concepts, namely specialisation and diversity, related and unrelated variety, ii) discussing their relevance in local and non-local spaces, iii) scrutinizing related variety as source for regional branching, and iv) developing a conceptual framework capturing the opportunity space for regional structural change that unveils the relevance of path upgrading, path importation, path branching, path diversification, and new path creation as different forms of…
Towards a comprehensive understanding of new regional industrial path development
Path creation is a key concept in economic geography. So far, particularly scholars within evolutionary economic geography have pioneered research on this topic. This paper critically discusses the...
New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems and Policy
Regional innovation systems (RISs) have received increasing interest from researchers and policy makers over the past three decades. The interest is driven partly by advances in theoretical analyses, partly by empirical studies of well-functioning, successful regional economies, partly by the growing interest in innovation as a source of competitive advantage, and partly by the need for new policies to stimulate job growth and lower regional inequalities. This chapter presents the approach of the book to further improve regional innovation studies. The chapter introduces the content of the three parts of the book; (i) theoretical advances on RIS research, (ii) empirical cases of RIS develop…