A. Camero
A 0535+26 in the August/September 2005 outburst observed by RXTE and INTEGRAL
In this Letter we present results from INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of the spectral and timing behavior of the High Mass X-ray Binary A 0535+26 during its August/September 2005 normal (type I) outburst with an average flux F(5-100keV)~400mCrab. The search for cyclotron resonance scattering features (fundamental and harmonic) is one major focus of the paper. Our analysis is based on data from INTEGRAL and RXTE Target of Opportunity Observations performed during the outburst. The pulse period is determined. X-ray pulse profiles in different energy ranges are analyzed. The broad band INTEGRAL and RXTE pulse phase averaged X-ray spectra are studied. The evolution of the fundamental cyclotron …
INTEGRAL observations of the peculiar BeX System SAX J2103.5+4545
We present an INTEGRAL data analysis of the X-ray transient \object{SAX J2103.5+4545} during two outbursts detected in December 2002. The INTEGRAL coordinates and error circle agree with the position of the recently proposed optical counterpart. A power-law plus cut-off model provided a good fit to the 4-150 keV spectrum yielding a photon index of 1.0+-0.1, a cut-off energy E_cut=7.6+-2.0 keV and a folding energy E_fold=30.9+-2.5 keV. The X-ray luminosity in the 4-150 keV energy range was found to be 6.0x10^36 erg/s, assuming a distance of 6.5 kpc. This luminosity, together with the derived photon index, indicate that the source is in a bright state. A 354.9$+-0.5 second pulse period is mea…
Further evidence for the presence of a neutron star in 4U 2206+54. INTEGRAL and VLA observations
The majority of High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) behave as X-ray pulsars, revealing that they contain a magnetised neutron star. Among the four HMXBs not showing pulsations, and that do not show the characteristics of accreting black holes, there is the unusual HMXB 4U 2206+54. Here we present contemporaneous high-energy and radio observations of this system conducted with INTEGRAL and the VLA in order to unveil its nature. The high-energy spectra show clear indications of the presence of an absorption feature at ~32 keV. This is the third high-energy observatory which reveals marginal evidence of this feature, giving strong support to the existence of a cyclotron resonance scattering featu…