P. Scalisi
Effects of weathering on the performance of self-cleaning photocatalytic paints
Abstract The use of photocatalytic products for the surface coating of buildings is spreading more and more, because of the reduction of atmospheric pollutants and the colour maintenance of the paints over time with reduction of the maintenance costs and the improvement of the aesthetic appearance. The study reports the evaluation of the effects of the atmospheric conditions on three commercial photocatalytic paints containing TiO2. In particular tests were carried out by using samples subjected to accelerated aging inside a climate chamber and naturally aged by exposure for two years to the external environment of the city of Palermo (representative of a coastal environment of the Mediterr…
The effects of a saline environment on the durability of commercial photocatalytic paints
The use of photocatalytic products for surface coating of buildings ensures the reduction of certain air pollutants and greater duration of color over time, due to the reduced attitude of air particulate to adhere to the treated surfaces. The world market is producing a wide range of coatings, transparent and opaque, high initial performance, but there is a lack of data on their durability. The knowledge of performance over time of these new products is at the basis of the Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011, which repealed Council Directive 89/106/EEC and introduced the seventh requirement regarding the sustainability and particularly durability of construction works. This study focuses on the as…