Lelde Grantiņa-ieviņa

Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae

Communities of symbiotic microorganisms that colonize the gastrointestinal tract play an important role in food digestion and protection against opportunistic microbes. Diet diversity increases the number of symbionts in the intestines, a benefit that is considered to impose no cost for the host organism. However, less is known about the possible immunological investments that hosts have to make in order to control the infections caused by symbiont populations that increase due to diet diversity. By using taxonomical composition analysis of the 16S rRNA V3 region, we show that Enterococci are the dominating group of bacteria in the midgut of the larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mell…

research product

Impact of various factors on the diversity of soil microorganisms in agricultural and forest soils

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Dažādu faktoru ietekme uz augsnes mikroorganismu daudzveidību lauksaimniecības un meža augsnēs

Anotācija Darba mērķis bija raksturot augsnes saprofītisko baktēriju un micēlijsēņu populācijas mērenā klimata augsnēs, izvirzot hipotēzi, ka augsnes mikroorganismu populāciju struktūra un daudzveidība ir atšķirīga dažādos zemes lietošanas veidos un sezonāli mainīgos klimatiskajos apstākļos, un ka vairākas analīžu metodes dod salīdzināmus rezultātus. Pirmkārt, augsnes saprofītisko micēlijsēņu un baktēriju populāciju kvantitatīvā analīze tika veikta, izmantojot klasiskās mikrobioloģijas metodes, t.i., mikroorganismu koloniju veidojošo vienību skaita noteikšana; mikroskopisko micēlijsēņu izolēšana, identifikācija un daudzveidības noteikšana. Otrkārt, tika izmantotas molekulārās bioloģijas met…

research product

Genetically modified seeds and plant propagating material in Europe: potential routes of entrance and current status

Genetically modified organisms (GMO), mainly crop plants, are increasingly grown worldwide leading to large trade volumes of living seeds and other plant material both for cultivation and for food and animal feed. Even though all the traded GMOs have been assessed for their safety with regards to human and animal health and the environment, there still are some concerns regarding the potential uncontrolled release in the environment of authorized or unauthorized GM plants. In this review, we identify the possible entrance routes of GM seeds and other propagating plant material in the EU which could be linked to unauthorized release of GMOs in the environment. In addition, we discuss the sit…

research product

Data from: Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae

Communities of symbiotic microorganisms that colonize the gastrointestinal tract play an important role in food digestion and protection against opportunistic microbes. Diet diversity increases the number of symbionts in the intestines, a benefit that is considered to impose no cost for the host organism. However, less is known about the possible immunological investments that hosts have to make in order to control the infections caused by symbiont populations that increase due to diet diversity. By using taxonomical composition analysis of the 16S rRNA V3 region, we show that Enterococci are the dominating group of bacteria in the midgut of the larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mell…

research product