Francesco Renda

Phase I-II trial of gemcitabine-based first-line chemotherapies for small cell lung cancer in elderly patients with performance status 0-2: the G-STEP trial.

Introduction: Treatment of elderly patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is based on scanty evidence. Methods: Patients with extensive SCLC, age >70 years, and performance status 0-2 were eligible for a study looking for optimal two-drug combination of gemcitabine (Gem) with vinorelbine (Vin), etoposide (Eto), cisplatin (Cis), or carboplatin (Car). Gemcitabine dose was the same (1000 mg/m2, days 1-8) in all combinations. A two-stage minimax flexible design for response was applied to GemVin combination (Vin 25 mg/m2, days 1-8). For GemCar, GemCis, GemEto, a phase I-II Bayesian design was applied, looking for the optimal dose of the partner drugs. Objective response rate ≥60% and un…

research product


La corretta e costante applicazione della manutenzione può assumere un ruolo chiave per garantire la qualità del patrimonio costruito e il soddisfacimento delle più recenti classi di requisiti ambientali. A tal fine, è necessario che le strategie che guidano la programmazione delle attività di manutenzione siano modellate sulle caratteristiche del manufatto in esame. In Italia una larga parte degli edifici risulta edificata prima del 1946 e, molti di questi seppur non strettamente tutelati dalla legge, possono presentare rilevanti caratteri morfologici o costruttivi che vanno opportunamente conservati. La manutenzione, condotta in un’ottica sistemica e multiscalare, comprendendo interventi …

research product

Accessibilità a Montalbano Elicona: un approccio multiscalare

In any form of the built environment, in order to satisfy the requirement of accessibil- ity, there is a need to consider both material and intangible aspects through a multi- scalar approach. The architectural heritage does not sidestep this need. Any in-depth analysis or project needs to be designed whilst considering the relations and inter-connections between the building, public space and public services on an urban scale. This multi-scalar approach guided some studies carried out under the convention between the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo and the Municipality of Montalbano Elicona, a small town of about 2,100 inhabitants in north-eastern Sicily. In this ca…

research product

Workshop SITdA RELIVE 2019. Un approccio progettuale per la rigenerazione sostenibile, Team Trigenera

This paper describes the experience and the urban regeneration design carried out during the workshop Work- shop RELIVE 2019. The first section overviews the workshop’s structure. The methodology of analysis adopted by the group and the diagnosis of the urban sector is reported in the second section, as well as underlying critical is- sues and project requirements emerged. Design criteria and the project proposal are described in the third section

research product

Un approccio progettuale per la rigenerazione sostenibile

This paper describes the methodology of research and analy- sis that have been adopted in order to develop the targets of the project, along with the design proposal. A literature review about urban regeneration ad its best practices and a deep study of the various features and peculiarities of the area has been conducted. Such a study guided the definition of the criteria that must be ap- plied to develop the project. The proposal of urban regeneration aims to retrain the whole di- strict by retrofitting ENPAM’s buildings and industrial sheds by the railway as well as redesigning the public spaces and the green areas. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The first section o…

research product

Utopia e distopia nel progetto digitale

Sono passati più di venti anni dalla pubblicazione di Being Digital, il celebre libro di Nicholas Negroponte, all’interno del quale il fondatore del MIT Media Lab affermava che “il passaggio dagli atomi ai bit è irreversibile e inarrestabile”. Tale preannunciata rivoluzione, sembra oggi giunta a una fase più matura coinvolgendo sia la sfera pubblica che quella privata, le professioni, la politica e l’economia. Il digitale, facilitando e razionalizzando di giorno in giorno processi precedentemente analogici, è diventato ubiquo. Se da un lato gli aspetti positivi di queste trasformazioni sono evidenti, altrettanto palesi appaiono le aporie: dalla dipendenza tecnologica al rapporto con i socia…

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