S. Hauser

Geochemistry and potential use of groundwater in the Rocca Busambra area (Sicily, Italy)

In the Rocca Busambra area (mid-west Sicily, Italy), from November 1999 to July 2002, 23 water points including wells and springs were sampled and studied for their chemical and isotopic compositions. Two rain gauges were also installed at different altitudes, and rainwater was collected monthly to determine the isotopic composition. The obtained results revealed the Rocca Busambra carbonate complex as being the main recharge area on account of its high permeability value. From a chemical view point, two main groups of water can be distinguished: calcium–magnesium–bicarbonate-type and calcium–magnesium–chloride–sulphate-type waters. The first group reflects the dissolution of the carbonate …

research product

Environmental Radioactivity and Volcanological Features of Three Islands of the Mediterranean Sea (Pantelleria, Ustica and Vulcano)

Abstract The Mediterranean Sea is an area of great interest for its volcanic activities. This paper presents a comparative study of radiometric and chemical data regarding three volcanic islands located in southern Italy (Pantellena, Ustica, and Vulcano) characterized by different magmatic histories. Measurements of radionulide contents and chemical composition of rock samples belonging to the main lithologies present in the three islands were carried out the observed correlations among radiometric, chemical and mineralogical data reflect the differences in the volcanological genesis and suggest some hypotheses on the magmatic evolution.

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Seasonal variation of air kerma in the "Vulcano Porto" area (Aeolian Islands, Italy).

Abstract Air kerma was measured in the “Vulcano Porto” area of the Vulcano Island, belonging to the Aeolian Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea. Measurements were carried out using thermoluminescence dosimeters. The relationship between observed dose values and source lithology has been assessed. Data show a seasonal variation due to weather conditions but also probably related to features of the soils, making the variation more evident.

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Gamma activity and geochemical features of building materials: estimation of gamma dose rate and indoor radon levels in Sicily.

A high-purity germanium detector has been used to measure the abundance of radium (Ra), thorium (Th) and potassium (K) in building materials used in Sicilian dwellings. The measurements were performed to evaluate which material was suitable for the construction of an enclosure, which would have a low background emission. The materials examined in this work showed concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K dramatically variable depending on the lithologies, particularly in the case of blocks, sands and aggregates commonly used in building materials in Sicily. The results are discussed and a criterion is indicated to reduce the radiation dose to humans. Since radon inlet is a major health problem…

research product

IceCube search for neutrinos coincident with compact binary mergers from LIGO-Virgo's first gravitational-wave transient catalog

Using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, we search for high-energy neutrino emission coincident with compact binary mergers observed by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) detectors during their first and second observing runs. We present results from two searches targeting emission coincident with the sky localization of each GW event within a 1000 s time window centered around the reported merger time. One search uses a model-independent unbinned maximum-likelihood analysis, which uses neutrino data from IceCube to search for pointlike neutrino sources consistent with the sky localization of GW events. The other uses the Low-Latency Algorithm for Multi-messenger Astrophysics, which …

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Assessment of nitrate contamination risk: The Italian experience

16 páginas, 19 figuras, 10 tablas.-- El PDF es el manuscrito aceptado para su publicación.-- et al.

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Characterisation of submarine groundwater discharge offshore south-eastern Sicily

A complex approach in characterisation of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) off south-eastern Sicily comprising applications of radioactive and non-radioactive tracers, direct seepage measurements, geophysical surveys and a numerical modelling is presented. SGD fluxes in the Donnalucata boat basin were estimated by direct seepage measurements to be from 4 to 12Ls(-1), which are comparable with the total SGD flux in the basin of 17Ls(-1) obtained from radon measurements. The integrated SGD flux over the Donnalucata coast estimated on the basis of Ra isotopes was around 60m(3)s(-1) per km of the coast. Spatial variations of SGD were observed in the Donnalucata boat basin, the average (222…

research product

Isotope composition of rain water, well water and fumarole steam on the island of Vulcano, and their implications for volcanic surveillance

Abstract Water samples from eight wells in the Vulcano Porto area and fumarole steam from the crater of Vulcano (Southern Italy) were collected at monthly intervals over a two-year period from February 1987 to January 1989. Samples of bulk precipitation were also collected in three points at Vulcano Porto and Vulcano Piano (island of Vulcano) and Castroreale (Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily), again at monthly intervals. The weighted mean isotopic composition of rain water on Vulcano is δ D =−32‰ , and δ D 18 O =−6.4‰ . Results for well waters tend to support the existence of at least two water bodies: one of purely meteoric water and the other of brackish thermal water. An intermediate water bod…

research product

Origin and distribution of suspended organic matter as inferred from carbon isotope composition in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system

The origin and distribution of suspended organic matter, the trophic features and the stable carbon isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon (POC) were studied monthly in a Western Mediterranean semi-enclosed basin. Sampling stations were selected as a function of wind-exposure and the degree of vegetation cover and then compared with an adjacent unvegetated site. The predominant vegetation was seagrass (Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa) and Caulerpa prolifera. Water samples were analyzed for total suspended matter (inorganic and organic fractions), photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments), dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon and their isot…

research product


ABSTRACT Background Study results demonstrated that IFN augments BEV activity and improves median PFS in pts with mRCC. Thus, combination BEV + IFN is a standard first-line treatment option for mRCC. Combining BEV with the mTOR inhibitor EVE may be an efficacious and well-tolerated treatment option. The open-label, phase II RECORD-2 trial compared first-line EVE + BEV and IFN + BEV in mRCC. Patients and methods: Therapy-naive pts with clear cell mRCC and prior nephrectomy were randomized 1:1 to BEV 10 mg/kg IV every 2 weeks with either EVE 10 mg oral daily or IFN (9 MIU SC 3 times/week, if tolerated). Tumour assessments were every 12 weeks. Primary objective was treatment effect on progress…

research product

Environmental Gamma Radiation Measurements on the Island of Pantelleria

The population exposure to those living on the island of Pantelleria, Italy, was estimated by measuring the natural gamma background. Gamma spectra of natural rocks and measurements of absorbed dose in air were taken. A correlation was found between the mean gamma exposure rate and the mean values of natural radionuclide concentrations in the investigated rocks.

research product

Environmental radioactivity at Stromboli (Aeolian Islands)

HPGe gamma spectrometry, thermoluminescence dosimetry, X-ray diffractometry and fluorescence techniques have been used to analyze the natural radionuclides content of soil and rock samples, air kerma and geochemical features on the island of Stromboli, belonging to the Aeolian Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea. The 214Bi, 238Ac, and 40K contents obtained are in agreement with the magmatic evolution of the rock formation, as shown by the correlations between radionuclide and chemical elements abundacies, depending on the various magmatic differentiation mechanisms. Correlations between radiometric, lithological and geochemical data have been assessed in order to obtain some hints on the geoc…

research product

Geochemical characterization of groundwater and submarine discharge in the south-eastern Sicily

Abstract The main results of a hydrogeochemical survey carried out during 2002–2003 along the coast of the south-eastern Sicily, which aimed at geochemical characterization of both groundwater chemistry and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the area are presented. A general frame of chemical processes affecting the studied groundwater and SGD point out that most samples fall within the calcite-anhydrite-dolomite field (CAD). The chemical composition of the samples within the CAD triangle is essentially controlled by calcite, dolomite and gypsum dissolution, which are the main minerals of the carbonate rocks hosting the aquifers. An additional process evidenced in this study is a mixi…

research product

Isotopic composition of dissolved sulphate and hydrogen sulphide from some thermal springs of Sicily

Samples of some thermal springs from Sicily have been analysed for the isotopic composition of sulphur-bearing species. The values of δ34S(SO42− (range: +7.3, +31.7‰), δ34S(H2S) (range: −12.2, +27.8), δ34S(S°) (range: +1.9, +24.5) and δ18O(SO42−) (range: −2.5, +23.9) obtained show such a remarkable variability in data as to hypothesize different genetic processes concerning these species. Furthermore, from the available experimental data, the relationship between the isotopic composition of the sulphur in the dissolved sulphate and in the associated hydrogen sulphide (ΔSO42− - H2S = 25 – 30‰) seems to indicate the bacterial reduction of sulphate ion as one of the processes most significantl…

research product

Chemistry, mineralogy and radioactivity inposidonia oceanicameadows from North-Western Sicily

This paper presents measurements of major, minor, metal trace elements and radionuclides in sediments and in Posidonia oceanica samples from north-western Sicily (Italy). The mineralogical and chemical composition of sediments were determined by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence techniques, respectively. A flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to measure concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in P. oceanica samples and in sediments. Specific activities of selected radionuclides have been determined by high-resolution gamma spectrometry. Standard statistical analysis was used to assess correlations between different elements and different sample types.

research product

Correlation of radioactivity measurements, air kerma rates and geological features of Sicily

Abstract Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island (with an extension of about 25 000 km 2 ), exhibits a very wide variety of lithologies, ranging from sedimentary to metamorphic and volcanic rocks. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) have been applied to air kerma values measured by thermoluminescent dosimetry in several sites and to data of radionuclide concentrations, geochemical and mineralogical features of rocks and soils sampled in 29 sites of Sicily to point out similarities among different lithologies. The study was devoted to find multiple correlations and allow a better classification of Sicilian lithotypes. Samples of rocks and soils have be…

research product

Hydrogeochemistry and Water Balance in the Coastal Wetland Area of “Biviere di Gela,” Sicily, Italy

In the study area physical and chemical factors control the composition of surface and groundwaters, which in turn determine the water quality of the "Biviere di Gela" lake. These factors combine to create diverse water types which change their compositional character spatially as rainfall infiltrates the soil zone, moves down a topographically defined flow path, and interacts with bedrock minerals. Low-salinity waters, which represent the initial stage of underground circulation, start dissolving calcium carbonate from the local rocks. The progressive increase in salinity, characterized by substantially higher Ca, SO4, Na and Cl concentrations, suggests that dissolution of CaSO4 and NaCl i…

research product

Mineralogy and geochemistry of Terra Rossa soils, western Sicily: insights into heavy metal fractionation and mobility

Abstract The distribution of heavy metals in typical Terra Rossa soils and their partitioning in specific soil phases are estimated on the basis of the comparative evaluation of bulk contents, results from sequential chemical extraction procedure (SEP) and scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analysis ( SEM EDX ). A general natural enrichment of heavy metals with respect to average soil is observed. Cadmium proves to be remarkably high (up to 2.4 ppm). Large amounts of Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn occur in the ‘residual’ fraction. The results indicate selective accumulation of the heavy metals in Fe oxides, present as hematite, goethite and maghemite. There is good evidence th…

research product

Influence of inheritance and pedogenesis on heavy metal distribution in soils of Sicily, Italy

Abstract The recognition of the potential health hazards associated with heavy metals has focused attention on the levels and behaviours of these elements both in natural and contaminated environments. Various soil types developed from different parent materials in Sicily, Italy, have been analysed in order to compare heavy metal distribution under different geopedological conditions. Total metal concentrations, metal partitioning and distribution profiles are discussed in relation to the inheritance factor and pedogenic processes. Parent material composition largely influences the contents of heavy metals in most of the analysed soils, mainly differentiating pedons for their metal concentr…

research product

Natural radioactivity in a volcanic island: Ustica, Southern Italy

Abstract Gamma-ray spectrometric measurements were performed on rocks and soils of the island of Ustica (Southern Italy) to quantify the concentrations of the natural radionuclides. The 238U, 232Th, and 40K concentration ranges (15–164, 16–174, and 201–1350 Bq kg−1, respectively) were compared with mineralogical and chemical data obtained by XRD and XRF analyses. The observed levels of the primordial radionuclides corresponded to the magmatological features of the rocks. Soil samples generally showed specific gamma-ray activities not directly correlatable to those measured in the underlying rocks. A survey was also perormed to measure air kerma in outdoor and indoor environments using therm…

research product

Stable isotopes of water as a tool to study groundwater–seawater interactions in coastal south-eastern Sicily

Summary Stable isotopes of hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ 18 O) in groundwater, submarine springs and seawater collected in coastal south-eastern Sicily were investigated. While the spatial distribution of δ 18 O in groundwater showed that most of the heavy-isotope-depleted samples (from −5.7‰ to −6.9‰) were located in the higher portion of the Hyblean Mountains, more positive values (from −3.4‰ to −5.6‰) were found in the marginal areas. The isotope composition of submarine springs was characterized by significant variability (δ 18 O between −5.6‰ and +1.0‰ and δD between −30‰ and +5.0‰) reflecting seasonal variations and different seawater contributions. The isotopic and chemical composition…

research product

Isotope distribution of dissolved carbonate species in southeastern coastal aquifers of Sicily (Italy)

Concentrations of major ions and the δ13C composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater and submarine groundwater discharges in the area between Siracusa and Ragusa provinces, southeastern Sicily, representing coastal carbonate aquifers, are presented and discussed. Most of groundwater analysed belongs to calcium bicarbonate type, in agreement with the geological nature of carbonate host rocks. Carbonate groundwater acquires, besides the dissolution of carbonate minerals, dissolved carbon (and the relative isotopic composition) from the atmosphere and from soil biological activity. In fact, δ13C values and total dissolved inorganic carbon contents show that both these sources con…

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