Vincenzo Pisano

Internationalization of firms: revitalizing the board of directors after a cross-border acquisition

Purpose This paper aims to show the importance of introducing an integration manager (i.e. an executive position used to channel the acquiring firm’s course of action and strengthen the success of a post-acquisition integration process) within the acquiring firm’s board of directors. Design/methodology/approach This is a theoretical paper that introduces the integration manager within the board of privately held firms going internationally via acquisitions and serving as an “out-insider” director able to balance the conflicting demands of the previously separated entities during their integration process. The authors present an explanatory case study that empirically contributes to the boa…

research product

La hubris manageriale quale antecedente delle scelte d’internazionalizzazione: un framework concettuale

L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è illustrare come la hubris manageriale influisca sensibilmente sulle scelte principali relative all’internazionalizzazione dell’impresa. Alla luce di queste scelte, si discuterà l’impatto sulle performance.

research product

Un approccio resource-based per la gestione responsabile e sostenibile dei distretti turistici

L’identità ambientale e storico–culturale di un territorio appare essere la risorsa rara e di valore intorno a cui costruire un distretto turistico. Effettivamente, la presenza di un monumento di straordinario pregio storico e artistico o l’accesso a percorsi naturalistici di eccezionale merito sovente divengono delle risorse magnete, nel senso che attraggono e catalizzano l’attenzione di un ampio target di domanda. Nonostante l’importanza delle risorse magnete per l’attrattività di un territorio, tale capacità appare solo potenziale. Infatti, l’attrattività di un territorio è definita dalle risorse magnete se opportunamente combinate con altre risorse complementari, quali la qualità dell’a…

research product

Sviluppo e Innovazione nell'Hi-tech in Sicilia. Un'indagine sulle imprese àncora e sulle reti innovative nell'area di Catania

The purpose of this report is to scrutinize the development of the microelectronics and nanotechnology cluster from an original anchor fi rm perspective and to examine the processes through which the roles of anchors and their networks of relationships with the most important players of the cluster evolved over the last quarter of the century. On the ground of the analysis of archival data, internal documents and reports, academic publications, and personal interviews with key managers, researchers, and crucial actors from both private and public sides – performed coherently with the snowballing method – the report identifi es the emergence and development of the microelectronics and nanote…

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The bright and dark sides of CEO hubris: Assessing cultural distance in international business

This paper aims to enrich the behavioral theory of international business strategyby investigating how CEO hubris (i.e., excess pride and confidence) affects inter-national strategic choices, that is, location selection, entry timing, and modes ofentry into the target market. Specifically, we focus on the relationship betweencultural distance and international strategic choices and consider hubris as a mech-anism that influences CEOs’ decisions. Our conceptual framework recognizes thatthe performance of international strategies managed by hubristic CEOs isextremely volatile. On the one hand, we corroborate the idea that hubris has adark side that may lead to pernicious outcomes. On the othe…

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