L. Caballero
Single particle structure of exotic nuclei with transfer reactions
International audience; We report here on the first results obtained from the study of the 24Ne(d, p)25Ne reaction performed with SPIRAL beam at GANIL using the new TIARA+V AMOS+EXOGAM setup.
Total absorption study of the \beta decay of 102,104,105Tc
The β-feeding probabilities for three important contributors to the decay heat in nuclear reactors, namely 102,104,105Tc, have been measured using the total absorption spectroscopy technique. For the measurements, sources of very high isobaric purity have been obtained using a Penning trap (JYFLTRAP). A detailed description of the data analysis is given and the results are compared with high-resolution measurements and theoretical calculations. peerReviewed
New reaction rates for the destruction of $^7$Be during big bang nucleosynthesis measured at CERN/n_TOF and their implications on the cosmological lithium problem
New measurements of the7Be(n,α)4He and7Be(n,p)7Li reaction cross sections from thermal to keV neutron energies have been recently performed at CERN/n_TOF. Based on the new experimental results, astrophysical reaction rates have been derived for both reactions, including a proper evaluation of their uncertainties in the thermal energy range of interest for big bang nucleosynthesis studies. The new estimate of the7Be destruction rate, based on these new results, yields a decrease of the predicted cosmological7Li abundance insufficient to provide a viable solution to the cosmological lithium problem.
Applications of the total absorption technique to improve reactor decay heat calculations: study of the beta decay of [sup 102,104,105]Tc
The decay heat of the fission products plays an important role in predicting the heat‐up of nuclear fuel after reactor shutdown. This form of energy release is calculated as the sum of the energy‐weighted activities of all fission products P(t) = ΣEiλiNi(t), where Ei is the decay energy of nuclide i (gamma and beta component), λi is the decay constant of nuclide i and Ni(t) is the number of nuclide i at cooling time t. Even though the reproduction of the measured decay heat has improved in recent years, there is still a long standing discrepancy at t∼1000 s cooling time for some fuels. A possible explanation for this disagreement can been found in the work of Yoshida et al. [1], who demonst…
β-decay data requirements for reactor decay heat calculations: study of the possible source of the gamma-ray discrepancy in reactor heat summation calculations
The decay heat of fission products plays an important role in predictions of the heat up of nuclear fuel in reactors. The released energy is calculated as the summation of the activities of allfission products P(t) = Ei λi Ni(t), where Ei is the decay energy of nuclide i (gamma and beta component), λi is the decay constant of nuclide i and Ni(t) is the number of nuclide i at cooling time t. Even though the reproduction of the measured decay heat has improved in recent years, there is still a long standing discrepancy in the t ∼ 1000s cooling time for some fuels. A possible explanation to this improper description has been found in the work of Yoshida et al. (1), where it has been shown that…
Improvements on Decay Heat Summation Calculations by Means of Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Measurements
The decay heat of fission products plays an important role in predictions of the heat released by nuclear fuel in reactors. In this contribution we present results of the analysis of the measurement of the beta decay of some refractory isotopes that were considered possible important contributors to the decay heat in reactors. The measurements presented here were performed at the IGISOL facility of the University of Jyvaeskylae, Finland. In our measurements we have combined for the first time a Penning trap (JYFLTRAP), which was used as a high resolution isobaric separator, with a total absorption spectrometer. The results of the measurements as well as their consequences for decay heat sum…
Two-Phonon Octupole Excitation in 146Gd
The excited states in 146Gd have been re‐investigated with the 144Sm(α,2n) reaction using a modern Ge γ‐ray array including a polarimeter. Amongst the non‐yrast states populated in this reaction we have identified the aligned 6+ member of the two‐phonon octupole quartet from the observation of the E3 branching to the one phonon 3− state. Our results represent the first observation of a 6+→3−→0+ E3 cascade in an even‐even nucleus.
TAS measurements for reactor physics and nuclear structure
In this contribution we will present recent total absorption measurements of the beta decay of neutron‐rich nuclei performed at the IGISOL facility of the Univ. of Jyvaskyla. In the measurements the JYFL Penning Trap was used as a high resolution isobaric separator. The total absorption technique will be described and the impact of recent results in the fields of reactor physics (decay heat calculations) and nuclear structure will be discussed.