Aki Niemi
Verkkokaupan käytettävyys mobiililaitteella
Spatial distribution of saplings in heavily worn urban forests: Implications for regeneration and management
Abstract We studied the spatial distribution of saplings in the vicinity of other saplings and mature trees in heavily worn urban forests. Our aim was to identify favorable microsites for saplings to regenerate under different levels of wear. We hypothesized that these safe microsites were situated close to tree trunks that might offer shelter from trampling caused by humans and their pet dogs. The distribution of saplings was explored at 0.1–0.6 m to the nearest sapling and 0.1–2 m to the nearest mature tree. Sorbus aucuparia was the most abundant sapling species, followed by Populus tremula , Betula pubescens and Picea abies . These species all tended to cluster with their conspecific sap…
On statistical inference for the random set generated Cox process with set-marking.
Cox point process is a process class for hierarchical modelling of systems of non-interacting points in ℝd under environmental heterogeneity which is modelled through a random intensity function. In this work a class of Cox processes is suggested where the random intensity is generated by a random closed set. Such heterogeneity appears for example in forestry where silvicultural treatments like harvesting and site-preparation create geometrical patterns for tree density variation in two different phases. In this paper the second order property, important both in data analysis and in the context of spatial sampling, is derived. The usefulness of the random set generated Cox process is highly…