P. Napiorkowski

Structure of low-lying states in 140Sm studied by Coulomb excitation

The electromagnetic structure of 140Sm was studied in a low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment with a radioactive ion beam from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The 2+ and 4+ states of the ground-state band and a second 2+ state were populated by multistep excitation. The analysis of the differential Coulomb excitation cross sections yielded reduced transition probabilities between all observed states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the 2+ 1 state. The experimental results are compared to large-scale shell model calculations and beyond-mean-field calculations based on the Gogny D1S interaction with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian formalism. Simpler geometric and alge…

research product

The structure of low-lying states in ${}^{140}$Sm studied by Coulomb excitation

The electromagnetic structure of $^{140}$Sm was studied in a low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment with a radioactive ion beam from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The $2^+$ and $4^+$ states of the ground-state band and a second $2^+$ state were populated by multi-step excitation. The analysis of the differential Coulomb excitation cross sections yielded reduced transition probabilities between all observed states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the $2_1^+$ state. The experimental results are compared to large-scale shell model calculations and beyond-mean-field calculations based on the Gogny D1S interaction with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian formalism. Simpler …

research product

97/37 Rb 60 : The Cornerstone of the Region of Deformation around A∼100

Excited states of the neutron-rich nuclei 97,99Rb were populated for the first time using the multistep Coulomb excitation of radioactive beams. Comparisons of the results with particle-rotor model calculations provide clear identification for the ground-state rotational band of 97Rb as being built on the πg9/2 [431] 3/2+ Nilsson-model configuration. The ground-state excitation spectra of the Rb isotopes show a marked distinction between single-particle-like structures below N=60 and rotational bands above. The present study defines the limits of the deformed region around A∼100 and indicates that the deformation of 97Rb is essentially the same as that observed well inside the deformed regi…

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