Katriina Hyvönen

The 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory: Factorial Validity Across Organizations and Measurements of Longitudinal Data

The present study tested the factorial validity of the 9-item Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI-9) 1) . The BBI-9 is comprised of three core dimensions: (1) exhaustion at work; (2) cynicism toward the meaning of work; and (3) sense of inadequacy at work. The study further investigated whether the three-factor structure of the BBI-9 remains the same across different organizations (group invariance) and measurement time points (time invariance). The factorial group invariance was tested using a cross-sectional design with data pertaining to managers (n=742), and employees working in a bank (n=162), an engineering office (n=236), a public sector organization divided into three service areas: admin…

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The energy and identification continua of burnout and work engagement : Developmental profiles over eight years

Abstract Understanding of the mutual developmental dynamics between burnout and work engagement is limited due to the lack of longitudinal studies with long follow-ups and multi-wave data. This study sought to identify subgroups of employees characterized by long-term exhaustion-vigor (energy continuum) and cynicism-dedication (identification continuum). A further important aim was to investigate differences between the identified subgroups in their experiences of progress in their personal work goals. Five-wave, eight-year follow-up data among Finnish white-collar professionals ( n  = 168) were studied using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). The analysis yielded three exhaustion-vigor subgrou…

research product

Body image and depression

Abstract This chapter presents research findings on body image in depression sufferers. Body image is here considered to consist of three elements: image properties, body-self, and body memory. In depressed patients, the body image has characteristics typical to the disorder, influencing how they relate to themselves and their environment. Typical to the body image of depression sufferers experience low energy, discomfort in the body during social interaction, and a tendency to distance oneself from sensing the body. While having this fragmented connection to their own bodies, patients tend to ruminate on how others perceive them. Compared with standard care, dance movement therapy group tr…

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Personal work goals put into context : associations with work environment and occupational well-being

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Luontoympäristön yhteydet työhyvinvointiin ja työssä suoriutumiseen : kysely-, interventio- ja haastattelututkimuksen tuloksia

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Changes in personal work goals in relation to the psychosocial work environment: A two-year follow-up study

Associations between changes in the psychosocial work environment and changes in personal work goals were investigated in a two-wave, two-year longitudinal study. Psychosocial work environment was studied within the context of the Effort–Reward Imbalance model (ERI; Siegrist, 1996). The participants consisted of 423 young Finnish managers. Their most important personal work goals were categorized into seven content categories of competence, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, and finance at both measurement times. There were differences, especially in changes in the career opportunities factor of reward, between participants whose goals changed during the study.…

research product

Dance movement therapy for depressed clients : Profiles of the level and changes in depression

This research identified participant profiles in level and changes in depression among working age (18–64 years old) clients (N = 137) diagnosed with depression, who participated in a 20-session dance movement therapy (DMT) intervention. Using Latent Profile Analysis Mild, sharply reducing depression (9%), Mild, reducing depression (58%) and Severe, reducing depression (33%) profiles were established, using Beck Depression Inventory scores gathered at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up points. At the pre-intervention point, being in full-time work was related to the Mild, sharply reducing depression profile. Being on a disability pension, having a history of one's own or a c…

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A person-centred approach to investigate the development trajectories of job-related affective well-being: A 10-year follow-up study

The primary aim of this three-wave 10-year follow-up study was to investigate the intra-individual change trajectories of job-related affective well-being among Finnish managers (n = 402). Job-related affective well-being as indicated by anxiety, depression, comfort, and enthusiasm was measured in 1996, 1999, and 2006. The characteristics of the trajectories were sought from experienced career disruptions (i.e., periods of unemployment or lay-offs) and perceived job insecurity. The growth mixture modelling (GMM) revealed altogether three latent trajectories that differed from each other in their mean levels and regard to changes in job-related affective well-being over time: (1) high and im…

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Long-Term Reward Patterns Contribute to Personal Goals at Work Among Finnish Managers

The research addresses the impact of long-term reward patterns on contents of personal work goals among young Finnish managers ( N = 747). Reward patterns were formed on the basis of perceived and objective career rewards (i.e., career stability and promotions) across four measurements (years 2006–2012). Goals were measured in 2012 and classified into categories of competence, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, and financial goals. The factor mixture analysis identified a three-class solution as the best model of reward patterns: high rewards (77%), increasing rewards (17%), and reducing rewards (7%). Participants with reducing rewards reported more progressio…

research product

Profiles of Nature Exposure and Outdoor Activities Associated With Occupational Well-Being Among Employees.

This research addresses the profiles of nature exposure and outdoor activities in nature among Finnish employees (N = 783). The profiles were formed on the bases of nature exposure at work and the frequency and type of outdoor activities in nature engaged in during leisure time. The profiles were investigated in relation to work engagement and burnout. The latent profile analysis identified a five-class solution as the best model: High exposure (8%), Versatile exposure (22%), Unilateral exposure (38%), Average exposure (13%), and Low exposure (19%). An Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted for each well-being outcome in order to evaluate how the identified profiles related to occupa…

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Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn rakenne- ja sisällön validiteetti suomalaisen työelämä- ja uraohjauksen näkökulmasta

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan uuden, Yhdysvalloissa kehitetyn Vocational Meaning Survey (VMS) -kyselyn soveltuvuutta työn merkitysten ja täyttymysten kokemusten kartoittamiseen osana ohjausprosessia suomalaiseen kyselyaineistoon (n = 218) perustuen. VMS-kysely sisältää neljä työn merkityksen ja täyttymyksen osa-aluetta: perustarpeet, itseen suuntautuminen, yhteisöön suuntautuminen ja itsensä ylittäminen. Konfirmatorisen faktorianalyysin tulokset osoittivat, että VMS-kyselyn neliulotteinen faktorirakenne vastasi odotettua ja osa-alueiden reliabiliteetit olivat hyvät, kun jäljelle jätettiin suomalaiseen aineistoon parhaiten soveltuvat väittämät. Tulokset tukevat VMS-kyselyn suomenkielisen…

research product

Long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance and over-commitment: Investigating occupational well-being and recovery experiences as outcomes

The aim of this study was, first, to identify long-term patterns of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) and over-commitment (OVC), and, second, to examine how occupational well-being (burnout, work engagement) and recovery experiences (psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control) differ in these patterns. The study was based on follow-up data with three measurement points (2006, 2008, 2010) collected from Finnish managers (N=298). Latent Profile Analysis resulted in five long-term ERI-OVC patterns: a high-risk pattern (high ERI, high OVC), found in 20% of the participants; a low-risk pattern (low ERI, low OVC), found in 24% of participants; a relatively low-risk pattern (low ERI, mo…

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Masentuneen kehonkuva ja tanssi-liiketerapian vaikutus siihen

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"Kun käsistä tuli siivet" : tanssi-liiketerapiaryhmään osallistuneiden ruumiilliset muistot

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Palkkioiden ja optimistisuuden yhteydet henkilökohtaisiin työtavoitteisiin

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin työhön liittyvien psykososiaalisten palkkioiden (arvostus, etenemismahdollisuudet ja työn varmuus) ja optimistisuuden yhteyksiä suomalaisten toimihenkilöiden henkilökohtaisiin työtavoitteisiin. Kyselytutkimukseen osallistui 303 tutkittavaa vuonna 2012 ja he olivat iältään 30– 42 -vuotiaita (ka = 37 vuotta). Tutkittavista 85 prosenttia oli miehiä. Tutkittavia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan tärkeimmät henkilökohtaiset työtavoitteensa ja tavoitteet luokiteltiin niiden sisältöjen perusteella seitsemään luokkaan: ammatillinen osaaminen (28 %), työhyvinvointi (18 %), organisaation menestys (15 %), työn vaihto (12 %), uralla eteneminen (12 %), palkka (9 %) sekä työn jatkuvuus…

research product

The Profiles of Body Image Associate With Changes in Depression Among Participants in Dance Movement Therapy Group

This mixed-methods study analyzed the body image quality of 143 patients with depression. The participants received a 20 × 75 min dance movement therapy (DMT) group treatment, sessions twice a week. Body Image Assessment (BIA) was the data collection tool, with pre-, post-, and 3-mos follow-up assessments. Pre-intervention body image quality characteristics were low energy and activity levels, discomfort, shame and disgust toward the body, tension in social interactions. On the BIA scores, a statistical method of Latent Profile Analysis was utilized to identify participant profiles in the data. The two identified profiles were participant with initial negative body image and participant wit…

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Luonnosta Virtaa -intervention soveltaminen Green Care -kentässä

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Overcommitment as a predictor of effort-reward imbalance: evidence from an 8-year follow-up study.

Objective The effort–reward imbalance (ERI) model includes the personal characteristic of overcommitment (OC) and the job-related characteristics of effort, reward, and ERI, all of which are assumed to play a role in an employee’s health and well-being at work. The aim of the present longitudinal study was to shed more light on the dynamics of the ERI model by investigating the basic hypotheses related to the role of OC in the model, ie, to establish whether an employee’s OC could be a risk factor for an increased experience of high effort, low reward, and high ERI at work. Methods The study was based on 5-wave, 8-year follow-up data collected among Finnish professionals in 2006 (T1, N=747)…

research product

Young managers’ drive to thrive: A personal work goal approach to burnout and work engagement

This study approaches young managers’ occupational well-being through their work-related goal pursuit. The main aim was to identify content categories of personal work goals and investigate their associations with background factors, goal appraisals, burnout, and work engagement. The questionnaire data consisted of 747 young Finnish managers (23–35 years; M = 31 years) who were mostly men (85.5%). Seven work-related content categories were found on the basis of qualitative data analysis: (1) competence goals (30.5%), (2) progression goals (23.7%), (3) well-being goals (15.2%), (4) job change goals (13.7%), (5) job security goals (7.4%), (6) organizational goals (5.6%), and (7) financial goa…

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Planetary well-being

Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalizes, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric norma…

research product

Planetary well-being

Tensions between the well-being of present humans, future humans, and nonhuman nature manifest in social protests and political and academic debates over the future of Earth. The increasing consumption of natural resources no longer increases, let alone equalises, human well-being, but has led to the current ecological crisis and harms both human and nonhuman well-being. While the crisis has been acknowledged, the existing conceptual frameworks are in some respects ill-equipped to address the crisis in a way that would link the resolving of the crisis with the pivotal aim of promoting equal well-being. The shortcomings of the existing concepts in this respect relate to anthropocentric norma…

research product

Conflicting personal goals: a risk to occupational well-being?

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of goal conflict in the relationship between the contents of managers’ personal work goals and occupational well-being (burnout and work engagement). Eight goal categories (organization, competence, well-being, career-ending, progression, prestige, job change, and employment contract) described the contents of goals. Goal conflict reflected the degree to which a personal work goal was perceived to interfere with other life domains. Design/methodology/approach – The data were drawn from a study directed to Finnish managers in 2009 (n=806). General linear models were conducted to investigate the associations between go…

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The Effects of Dance Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Depression: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial in Finland

This multicenter research investigates the effects of dance movement therapy (DMT) on participants diagnosed with depression. In total, 109 persons participated in the study in various locations in Finland. The participants were 39 years old, on average (range = 18–64 years), and most were female (96%). All participants received treatment as usual (TAU). They were randomized into DMT + TAU (n = 52) or TAU only (n = 57). The participants in the DMT + TAU group were offered 20 DMT sessions twice a week for 10 weeks in addition to standard care. The measurement points included pretreatment measurement at the baseline, posttreatment measurement at the end of the intervention, and a follow-up me…

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Flow with Nature treatment for depression: Participants’ experiences

This study examined Flow with Nature (FWN) treatment, which is an integrative intervention (rehabilitation) based on eco and environmental psychology, psychotherapeutic theories and professional psychological practice. FWN is intended for depression rehabilitation with the help of social support, nature environments and FWN exercises. Exercises encourage sensing the environment, mindful awareness, psychological processing and focusing on the future. The FWN treatment proceeds in separate stages (horizon, growth and path), which emphasise nature, group (social support) and FWN exercises differently. This study focused on the experiences of the participants in the FWN treatment. Finnish adult…

research product

The role of goal pursuit in the interaction between psychosocial work environment and occupational well-being

Abstract The relation of the core components of the Effort–Reward Imbalance model (ERI; Siegrist, 1996 ) to goal pursuit was investigated. Goal pursuit was studied through categories of goal contents – competency, progression, well-being, job change, job security, organization, finance, or no work goal – based on the personal work goals of managers ( Hyvonen, Feldt, Salmela-Aro, Kinnunen, & Makikangas, 2009 ). The study focused on the contribution of the ERI components (effort, reward, effort–reward imbalance, OVC) to goal contents, as well as on the mediating and moderating effects of goal contents between the ERI components and occupational well-being (burnout, work engagement) among youn…

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Eettisesti haastavat tilanteet ja niiden kuormittavuus johtajien työssä: fokusryhmäkeskusteluiden analyysi

Tässä pilottitutkimuksessa tutkittiin laadullisesti johtajien työssään kokemia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita (sisällöt, kontekstit) sekä niissä koettuja ristiriitakokemuksia. Työtilanteita luokiteltiin laadullisen aineiston pohjalta. Aineisto kerättiin 16 suomalaisen johtajan fokusryhmäkeskusteluista (neljä ryhmää). Tulokset osoittivat, että johtajat kohtasivat usein työssään erilaisia eettisesti haastavia tilanteita suhteessa organisaation sidosryhmiin. Näitä sidosryhmiä olivat organisaation toimintaympäristö eli yhteiskunta, asiakkaat, omistajat sekä henkilöstö (johto, kollegat ja alaiset). Haastavien tilanteiden sisällöt jakautuivat viiteen luokkaan: 1) monimutkaiset työtilanteet, 2) r…

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