Hanna-mari Toivonen

Tehokkaan paineensietoharjoittelun salat

research product

Ryhmäyttämiseen kannattaa panostaa

research product

Puettavat mittarit vähensivät fyysistä aktiivisuutta

research product

Miten yleisurheilijoista rakennetaan kiinteä joukkue?

research product

Mielenterveysongelmat yleisiä kanadalaisilla huippu-urheilijoilla

research product

Älypuhelimista on hyötyä ja haittaa urheilijoiden itsesäätelylle

research product

Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes’ or children’s holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…

research product

Kestävä kehitys tulisi huomioida myös liikunta- ja urheilupsykologiassa

research product

Tanskan huippu-urheilupsykologian tiimi hakee jatkuvuutta yhtenäisestä toimintafilosofiasta

research product

Autonomian tuki lisää urheilijoiden hyvinvointia

research product

Miksi naiset jäävät miesten jalkoihin urheilussa?

research product

Miten tukea valmentajia ja muita toimijoita huippu-urheilussa?

research product

Huippuvalmentajien henkinen hyvinvointi koetuksella jo kauden alla

research product

Urheilupsykologiset palvelut eivät tavoita huippu-urheilijoita

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Urheilulukiossa opiskelevien miesten mielialat myönteisempiä kuin naisten

research product

Matkapuhelimet aiheuttavat ongelmia urheilijoille

research product

Paineensietoa kehittämällä voi edistää päätöksentekoa ja suoritusta

research product

Uskonnollisuus voi vaikuttaa merkittävästi urheilusuoritukseen

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Tunneälykoulutus kannattaa

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Transsukupuolisten urheilijoiden inkluusiota tuetaan vaihtelevasti

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Luulot ja vapaa-ajan fyysisen aktiivisuuden todellisuus kaksi eri maailmaa

research product

Mikä on valmentajien menestyksen salaisuus?

research product

Urheilijoiden hyvinvointi unohtuu olympiatasolla

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Runsas istuminen stressaa

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Henkinen vahvuus parantaa urheilusuoritusta

research product

Fyysinen aktiivisuus ADHD-potilaiden lääkehoidon tukena

research product

Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes' or children's holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…

research product

Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model : a programme development and protocol

Previous research indicates that programmes employing Hellison?s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model in physical activity have had a positive impact on youth development by increasing participants? positive values, autonomy, life skills, and prosocial behaviour. Despite encouraging results of the effects of TPSR-based programmes, there remains lack of research on the effective content of these programmes, and their implementation and evaluation. The current protocol article describes the development of a TPSR-based instructor training programme and a plan for an intervention study in which novice instructors learn to understand and apply the TPSR model in practice. The …

research product

Riskinotto edellyttää psykologista turvallisuutta

research product

Metaphoric descriptions of pre- and post-game performance-related experiences in a soccer team during a competitive season

The main aim of the present study was to examine performance-related experiences of a youth female soccer team throughout a competitive season. Perceived game importance and expectations about the games were examined as antecedents of emotional experiences of the team. The perceived individual and team performances, outcomes of the games and the team’s post-game emotional experiences were also investigated. Finally, inferences to the team’s emotional climate were made. The participants included 24 female soccer players between the ages of 14 and 18 from a club team in Central Finland. The data were collected, prior to and after each game of the season, using the metaphor self-generation met…

research product

Suorituksen romahtamisen syitä ei tiedetä

research product

Aivotärähdysten kuntoutukseen tarvitaan kokonaisvaltaista näkökulmaa

research product

Työkalu psyykkisten taitojen harjoitteluohjelmien optimoimiseen

research product

Effectiveness of a Mobile Phone App for Adults That Uses Physical Activity as a Tool to Manage Cigarette Craving After Smoking Cessation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial


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Jalkapalloilevat tytöt voivat psyykkisesti huonommin kuin pojat

research product

Tehtäväsuuntautunut motivaatioilmasto tukee kulttuurista integraatiota

research product