Kerr Ar
Eating disorders:a threat for women's health.Oral manifestations in a comprehesive overview
Rationale and advantages of chemical and mechanical plaque control in no plaque-related gingivitis. A combined protocol.
Long-Standing oral ulcers: proposal for a new S-C-D classification system'
Persistent oral ulcers and erosions can be the final common manifestation, sometimes clinically indistinguishable, of a diverse spectrum of conditions ranging from traumatic lesions, infectious diseases, systemic and local immune-mediated lesions up to neoplasms. The process of making correct diagnosis for persistent oral ulcers still represents a challenge to clinicians. Major diagnostic criteria should include the clinical appearance of both ulcer and surrounding non-ulcerated mucosa, together with the evaluation of associated signs and symptoms, such as: number (single or multiple), shape, severity of the ulcer(s), conditions of remaining mucosa (white, red or with vesiculo-bullous lesio…