Oscar Ferreira

Le pouvoir royal (1814-1848). A la recherche du quatrième pouvoir ?

This work sheds light on the representations of royal power that confronted each other until 1848 to fulfil the programme of reconciliation of the "two France" wanted by Louis XVIII. They are divided between the desire to return to the Ancien Régime and the attempt to renew the royal function. Opposed to the ultraroyalists, the supporters of this original path wished to consecrate liberal constitutionalism by resorting to an unexpected expedient, the power of the King, which had to be remodelled. As with Constant and Dunoyer, it was a question of creating a fourth power with its own essence and a new mission: to watch over the institutions. This regulating or preserving power produced a pas…

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Mentiras piedosas para lugares de memória? O mito das Cortes de Lamego na história constitucional de Portugal

Despite their dubious authenticity, the laws adopted at the Cortes de Lamego of 1143 (an equally disputed date) were seen as the basis of Portugal's customary constitution from the time of their timely rediscovery in the early 17th century during Spanish rule (1580-1640). Until the period of the New State (1933-1974), their political and constitutional use served almost every cause, even the most opposed: Portuguese independence, at the time of the Restoration (1640-1668); national sovereignty and human constituent power at the time of the liberal revolution of Porto (1820-1822); the submission of men to the divine constituent power, implying the respect of the historical and/or natural con…

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Guaranteeing rights, protecting freedoms. Tribute to Professor Patrice Rolland

In order to pay tribute to their master, colleague and friend, the authors of this book have focused on the essential concern of Patrice Rolland, the academic: the protection of freedoms. Patrice Rolland has always combined a historical and philosophical approach with a litigation approach, whether in domestic or European law, thus giving his "work" a very special character within the law faculties. The book presented here will show the full richness of this career, focusing on the defence of public liberties, through lessons from history, contemporary struggles and timeless reflections.

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Histoire contemporaine des sources du droit

International audience; L’article 7 de la loi du 30 ventôse an XII promulguant le Code civil des Français dispose : "A compter du jour où ces lois sont exécutoires, les lois romaines, les ordonnances, les coutumes générales ou locales, les statuts, les règlements, cessent d’avoir force de loi générale ou particulière, dans les matières qui sont l’objet desdites lois composant le présent Code". Ce témoignage d’adhésion à la nomophilie des Lumières et au légicentrisme semble tout offrir à la loi, à une époque où elle est censée exprimer la volonté générale et être souveraine. Dès lors, les codifications napoléoniennes auraient dû sceller le sort de toutes les autres sources du droit. La juris…

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O poder moderador das forças armadas no Brasil. Uma leitura do General Bertholdo Klinger e da revista militar A Defeza Nacional (1913-1932)

Organe des « Jeunes-Turcs », ces officiers réformateurs brésiliens partis en Allemagne entre 1906 et 1912 pour finaliser leur formation, la revue militaire A Defeza Nacional demeure aujourd’hui l’un des principaux lieux d’exposition de la doctrine des forces armées. Dirigée par Bertholdo Klinger, elle popularisa la thèse du pouvoir conservateur des militaires, moins sous l’angle constitutionnel que sous l’aspect social, du fait des interférences du « pouvoir spirituel » du positivisme comtien.

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V. MOREIRA, J. DOMINGUES, História constitucional portuguesa. Vol. I : Constitucionalismo antes da constituição (XIIe-XIXe) (2020)

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À l’ombre des épées. Les seigneurs de la guerre, gardiens de la Constitution et pouvoirs régulateurs dans l’imaginaire constitutionnel haïtien

Due to a militarised society between 1804 and 1915, the weight of the warlords was heavy in the foundation and maintenance of the Haitian constitutional order. Their mission as guardians is apparent since the Constitution of 1801, and the military was not content to monopolise the supreme magistracy until the US occupation in 1915. Institutional practice, however, leaves much to be desired. The military Senate was defined by President Jean-Pierre Boyer as the moderating power of the institutions between 1839 and 1842, a short-lived attempt to normalise the institutions in the hands of generals at rest. Unfortunately, the political and social climate accompanying the disintegration of the st…

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"Uma cruzada santa e humana que arrancará o crime do seu meio social": o socialismo penal de Afonso Costa

Central but controversial figure of the First Portuguese Republic (1910-1926), Afonso Costa (1871-1937) was also a professor at the Faculty of Law in Coimbra, before leaving to found and direct the Faculty of Social Studies and Law in Lisbon in 1913. Although he taught civil law, political economy and judicial institutions, Costa attracted attention for his academic work in criminal law, where he displayed his socialist convictions. As a Portuguese representative of the 'socialism of jurists', he was, along with Filippo Turati, Napoleone Colajanni and Michelangelo Vaccaro, part of the socialist criminal 'school' (or social 'school' of criminal law), which was known to have discarded the not…

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Utopies organicistes et régulations corporatistes dans les dissertations doctorales portugaises du second XIXe siècle. Les rêveries krausistes des ministres Mártens Ferrão et Costa Lobo

Convinced by the importance of social regulation, Portuguese legal Krausism developed a harmonic or social liberalism capable of protecting workers by proposing an association of industrial classes. These projects remained doctrinal, set out in university theses. This utopia with corporatist contours was carried by three Krausists from the Faculty of Law of Coimbra: Adrião Forjaz and his two disciples, the future ministers Mártens Ferrão and Costa Lobo.

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Um inenarrável resquício do "constitucionalismo outorgado" ? A doutrina constitucional eclética dos catedrocratas sob o Estado Novo português

In 1932 a "dictatorship of doctors" (Salazar) emerged in Portugal: the cathedocracy. This neologism crosses the words kathedra (καθέδρα: seat/chair) and kratein, derived from kratos (κράτος), which implies the idea of a power that has its source in itself. Sovereign power is thus handed over to a learned and wise class which offers as a guarantee its profession, that of university professor, and its degree, that of doctor, most often in law. The constitutionalism that the regime engenders has an astonishing nature, although grafted onto the monarchical heritage of the granted constitutionalis of the 19th century. In order to counter pagan Caesarism and Hegelianism, the doctrine seeks to mak…

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La doctrine constitutionnelle éclectique des cathédocrates sous l'Estado Novo portugais

International audience

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Eveiller et réguler un prince et un peuple nouveaux : la « Constitution morale » des Plutarques brésiliens

After the independence proclaimed in 1822, Brazil sought to build an identity that would allow it to be among the great nations of the world. To this end, a whole educational literature was created, supporting the numerous newspapers that used the freedom of the press, acquired in 1821, to perfect the political education of their compatriots, while at the same time inviting the very young Emperor D. Pedro (born in 1798) to become the model for his people for centuries to come. All then had faith in the influence of the public virtues of the prince on the private and civic virtues of the people; all feared the inadequacy between the Political Constitution, granted in 1824, and the real const…

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Um regulador do sufrágio eleitoral : o direito de voto dos pais e chefes de família em França e em Portugal

International audience; O direito de voto reservado aos pais é um tema clássico, uma vez que a ideia era excluir “maus cidadãos”, em contacto com paixões humanas e, portanto, susceptíveis de destruir os novos regimes representativos e os alicerces do constitucionalismo moderno - quer dizer : introduzir a oclocracia. As pessoas rejeitadas são mulheres (reciclando a tese romana do imbecillitas sexus), jovens (muitas vezes imaturos) e solteiros (por introduzir a imoralidade no espaço público). Esta escolha destinava-se igualmente a confirmar o papel do pai enquanto “magistrado domestico”, ou seja, um poder conservador e educador, semelhante ao novo poder real concebido pelos Liberais. Neste se…

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Un rempart paternaliste à l’ochlocratie : le droit de vote des pères et chefs de famille. Regards franco-portugais, de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours

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Reflexions on the introduction of the vocabulary of regulation in the field of law during the XVIIIth century and on its contemporary use

According to a recurring lesson, the vocabulary of regulation would be of late introduction in the law language. Indeed, law professors substantiate this theory, conveyed by the sociologists : this word family would have first been introduced by the social sciences at the end of the XIXth century, before any use by the world of law. The present study tends, on the contrary, to demonstrate the existence and the continuity of the idea of regulation in law since the introduction, in the XVIIIth century, of the polysemous figure of the regulator ; a two-headed figure, applied as well to a power as to a judicial institution and to law, which separates and sometimes involves the regulation of a m…

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After France, and before Brazil, the second article concerns Portugal. The portuguese legal framework was appropriate to stem the birth of the constituent power. Reconstructed on the basis of an apocryphal transcription of its founding pact, the Cortes of Lamego of 1143, the portuguese public law benefited on top of a written document born in the XVth century, the Ordenações. This double peculiarity, making "iberian liberties" a model of the ancient constitutionalism, explains the reverential respect for these medieval borders and the hatred following Dom Pedro's granting in 1826. In these conditions, and in spite of the program followed by a "granting power" which refuses to define itself …

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Pious lies for place(s) of memory? The myth of the Cortes of Lamego in the constitutional history of Portugal

Despite their dubious authenticity, the laws adopted at the Cortes de Lamego of 1143 (an equally disputed date) were seen as the basis of Portugal's customary constitution from the time of their convenient rediscovery at the beginning of the 17th century during the Spanish rule (1580-1640). Until the period of the New State (1933-1974), their political and constitutional use served almost every cause, even the most opposed: Portuguese independence, at the time of the Restoration (1640-1668); national sovereignty and the use of constituent power by human beings during the liberal revolution of Porto (1820-1822); the submission of men to the divine constituent power, implying the respect of t…

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Krausisme juridique et politique en Europe

The German philosopher of law Karl Krause (1781-1832), who is not well known in France, had a rich intellectual legacy. His philosophy is presented as a rationalist and humanist spiritualism. However, it is his political and legal aspects that will have the greatest impact. Indeed, in order to allow man to reach his "pure and complete humanity", the political side of Krausism carried a vast educational and progressive programme, inserted within a solidary liberalism and an organic democracy. The latter is built on a dualist representative system with a specific chamber for the representation of social interests, which some might see as a prefiguration of the corporate chambers. The aim is t…

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Une solution aux errements du capitalisme : la propriété duale d'un précurseur du corporatisme chrétien, Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira

ISBN : 978-2-7314-1136-2Titre original dans le colloque : "Une solution aux errements du capitalisme : le propriétaire « fonctionnaire public » dans la pensée de Silvestre Pinheiro Ferreira"; International audience; Comment éviter la "guerre de tous contre tous" guettant toute société capitaliste ? Afin de prévenir le choc entre les intérêts des classes propriétaires dominantes et l'intérêt social de la propriété, Pinheiro Ferreira s'érige en arbitre des consciences et des mentalités en corrigeant l'économique par le social ; pour ce faire, il propose une moralisation du libre échange, adossée à des idées corporatistes qui irrigueront les pensées socialistes et, plus tard, salazaristes et v…

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Le mythe des Cortes de Lamego dans l'histoire constitutionnelle du Portugal

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O poder moderador nos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa (PALOP). Panorama de um modelo constitucional programático

For a long time, it was nonsense to defend the thesis that the Portuguese constitutional model could be taken over in the world of Portuguese-speaking Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, Mozambique). After gaining or declaring independence between 1973 and 1975, they were all inspired by 'socialist or Soviet constitutionalism', to the point of seeking the support of D.R.A. constitutionalists. The separation of powers, which was unacceptable because it was typical of the 'bourgeois constitutionalism' of Western countries, was even rejected in favour of the principle of unity of power, which in fact served the cause of the single party. The idea makes sense, howe…

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Philosophical Krausism presents itself as a rationalist and humanist spiritualism, but it is its political and legal aspects that have had the greatest impact. The former carried a broad educational and progressive agenda, embedded in a solidary liberalism and organic democracy; the latter addressed all branches of law, including the theory of the state. We propose a European overview, questioning the influence and legacy of this current of thought to the present day.

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In Portugal and in its former colonies, the expression "constitucionalismo outorgado » is part of the constitutional vocabulary since the granting of the Charter of 1826. The French inspiration is obvious ; however, no equivalent expression exists in France. This curiosity leads to measure all the ambiguity of the concept of "granted constitutionalism", an improbable oxymoron according to the president of the Portuguese Republic, Teófilo Braga. Is it about a simple political and linguistic claim, a temporary compromise at the end of a frustrated Revolution? Or does it translate a deeper program, to reconcile both sides of the constitutionalism, ancient and modern ?

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The armed forces as guardians of institutions and freedoms

“Let arms yield to the toga” (Cicero). It is generally from this angle that legal and political thought studies the military, with the idea of subjecting them to the civil authorities. This book takes the opposite view, analysing the role of the armed forces, whether professional or not, as protectors of institutions and liberties, in the light of doctrines. It explains why several countries have chosen to offer the military the deposit of their constitution, in other words their guardianship, going so far as to ratify their regulatory power. As an alternative to the right of resistance, this guardianship is not without danger, and can sometimes lead to a "democracy in the shadow of swords"…

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Histoire de la construction de l'Etat

This textbook covers the entire history of the construction of the State in France, from its medieval origins to the present day. Adopting both a thematic and chronological approach, it endeavors, for each chapter, to expose "the political state," in particular its values and their repercussions on its functioning, and "the administrative state," sometimes presented in the guise of "the administrative constitution of France".This dual approach, informed by the history of political, legal and economic ideas, reveals the ideological, constitutional and administrative foundations of our state, while measuring the evolving nature of its main defining criteria (population, territory, governmenta…

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L'Universitaire au pouvoir. Le discours juridique du professorat salazariste (1926-1974)

In the shadow of the military, the Portugal of the Estado Novo (New State) was above all led by academics, especially those from the Faculty of Law in Coimbra. The generation of teachers born in 1880/1890, including all the deans (Beleza dos Santos, Cabral de Moncada, Fezas Vital, Figueiredo, etc.), gathered around Salazar, who held the chairs of public finance and political economy in Coimbra, and irrigated the state apparatus. It thus engendered an "Empire of the professor", a "dictatorship of the doctors" and even a cathedocracy. The present work studies their constitutional and legal thinking, explaining all their reforms (1933 Constitution, prison reform, codifications, especially in c…

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The ambiguities of "granted constitutionalism" : a transatlantic debate (III)

Our journey ends in Brazil. According to textbooks of constitutional history, this "periphery" country, recently independent, looked with envy at the European and North American constitutional novelties, not without trying to maintain its identity. Olhos na Europa, pés na América? Doubtless ; still it is necessary to measure the extent of this "Europe", admired in space as in time. The doctrine, criticizing the granted Constitution of 1824, qualified of nominal, had too long hid the reality, even the efficiency, of a constitutionalism in singular outlines, which involves both social and institutional engineering, thus not reducible to the modern constitutionalism. The political actors of Br…

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Le constitutionnalisme octroyé - itinéraire d'un interconstitutionnalisme au XIXe siècle (France, Portugal, Brésil)

This book could have been a simple history of constituent power in the 19th century, in countries that experienced the return of the king after tumultuous revolutionary episodes. It is, in part; the reader will find in it the legal and political debates on this question during the periods of contestation of national sovereignty in three deliberately selected countries: the Bourbon Restoration for France; the tumultuous monarchy of Portugal, from the granting of the constitutional Charter in 1826 to its fall in 1910; the Empire of Brazil, since the independence. However, we thought it would be useful to propose something else, by shedding new light on the little-studied phenomenon of granted…

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The finger of Beelzebub. The consecration of judicial review of constitutionality in Portugal in 1911

Without entirely breaking with the political review of constitutionality established in the 19th century, Portugal, which became a republic after the October 1910 revolution, decided to enshrine judicial review of constitutionality in its 1911 Constitution. The choice of the American model of diffuse review was intended to break with the main guarantee offered in the days of 'granted constitutionalism', when the moderating power of the King acted as guarantor of the Constitution alongside the political chambers. This was the aim of the promoter of this legal revolution, the law professor Afonso Costa, a strong man of the First Republic, who was able to convert his initially hostile republic…

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Le pouvoir de la foule. Horizon de la démocratie

International audience; Concept grec né sous la plume de Polybe, l'ochlocratie, littéralement "le pouvoir de la foule", avait disparu des dictionnaires et des mémoires au moment de l'enracinement de la République à la fin du XIXe siècle. Il aura fallu une crise inédite, celle des gilets jaunes, pour voir réapparaître ce spectre de la démocratie, qui fête en 2019 son "entrée" dans Le petit Robert. Mais n'a-t-on affaire qu'à une forme dépravée de la démocratie, conspuée et contenue de tout temps ? Ou est-il possible d'envisager cette notion sous un angle positif, comme un horizon de la démocratie, à l'heure du suffrage universel et des nouvelles technologies ? Ce livre tend précisément à prés…

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La philosophie du droit de Karl Christian Friedrich Krause et de Heinrich Ahrens

Cet essai examine la détermination particulière de l’essence du droit et la méthodologie juridique présentes dans les travaux du philosophe allemand Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832) et de son disciple Heinrich Ahrens (1808-1874). Pour ce faire, il condense en quelques pages les fondements du concept de droit livrés par Krause lui-même et ses disciples les plus directs.

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