Artis Luguzis

The Impact of Prescribed Dosage Assumptions on the Evaluation of Adherence and Persistence to Medication in Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction

Medication adherence is a significant problem in public health. Prescription-level pharmacy databases have great potential for monitoring actual drug adherence patterns at the healthcare system level. Many research papers have reported adherence estimates in different settings and populations. However, comparison between studies is not always straightforward due to different approaches taken when computing adherence. A crucial component to accurately estimate adherence is the availability of days’ supply information for each dispensing event. Reasonable assumptions regarding medication dosage have to be made, when this information is not available. In this study, we evaluate adherence and p…

research product

Apdrošināšanas līgumu darbības laika modelēšana ar izdzīvošanas analīzes metodēm

Darbā aplūkotas izdzīvošanas analīzes metodes. Tika apskatītas izdzīvošanas datu īpašības, Kaplana-Meiera izdzīvošanas funkcijas novērtējums, aplūkota Koksa proporcionālā modeļa uzbūve, tā parametru un izdzīvošanas funkcijas novērtēšanas metodoloģija, kā arī aplūkoti modeļa validācijas jautājumi. Metodes tika pielietotas apdrošināšanas līgumu darbības laika modelēšanai, izmantojot statistiskās paketes SPSS un R. Atslēgas vārdi: Izdzīvošanas analīze, Koksa proporcionālo risku modelis, Šonfelda atlikumi, martingala atlikumi, Koksa-Snella atlikumi.

research product

Binocular function measures as predictors of user performance in stereoscopic augmented reality

Inconsistency between the binocular and focus cues in stereoscopic augmented reality overburdens the visual system leading to its stress. However, a high individual variability of tolerance for visual stress makes it difficult to predict and generalize the user gain associated with the implementation of alternative visualization technologies. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the binocular function and perceptual judgments in augmented reality. We assessed the task completion time and accuracy of perceptual distance matching depending on the consistency of binocular and focus cues in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality. The head-mounted display was driven…

research product

Keratoconus apex positions impact on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity

The change of corneal shape in keratoconus subjects can impact the optical quality of the eye on the retina and it reduces the contrast sensitivity by light scattering. The aim of our study was to estimate the keratoconus subjects’ contrast sensitivity and visual acuity depending on keratoconus apex position. We included 45 keratoconus subjects (77 eyes), which have keratoconus in the first to the third stage, in our study. There were 33 eyes with keratoconus apex in the central part of the cornea and 46 eyes with keratoconus apex in the periphery of the cornea. Contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were measured at 3 m with and without the best possible spectacle correction using the FrAC…

research product

P5246Nationwide linked administrative data study to explore the variations in statistical classification, management and 30-day mortality of acute myocardial infarctions in Latvia

Abstract Background According to statistics of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Latvia has one of the highest 30-day mortality for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The output data used in the calculation of this indicator was analysed at a hospital level to explain the causes of it. Methods Linked to Causes of death registry administrative reimbursement system data from 2014 to 2017 were analysed. Defined exclusion criteria were applied and 11675 emergency AMI admissions were indexed. As evaluation of the inter-hospital differences in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) revealed significant inconsistency in statistical classification of non-ST eleva…

research product

Keratoconus stage impact on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity.

Contrast sensitivity decreases in keratoconus subjects even before the decrease is presented at high contrast visual acuity. The aim of our study was to estimate the subject’s contrast sensitivity and visual acuity in different keratoconus stages. In our study, there were included 45 keratoconus subjects (77 eyes) with the first, second and third keratoconus stages. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were measured at 3 m with the best possible spectacle correction and without vision correction using FrACT program 3.9.3. In the study, contrast sensitivity was measured at following spatial frequencies – 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 cpd. Contrast sensitivity analyse showed that there was a…

research product

When virtual and real worlds coexist: Visualization and visual system affect spatial performance in augmented reality

New visualization approaches are being actively developed aiming to mitigate the effect of vergence-accommodation conflict in stereoscopic augmented reality; however, high interindividual variability in spatial performance makes it difficult to predict user gain. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of consistent and inconsistent binocular and focus cues on perceptual matching in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality using a head-mounted display that was driven in multifocal and single focal plane modes. Participants matched the distance of a real object with images projected at three viewing distances, concordant with the display focal planes when driven in the mu…

research product

Towards evidence-based management: A nationwide administrative data-based audit of acute myocardial infarction in Latvia

When care for an individual patient is determined by evidence-based medical guidelines, the management of the whole clinical process also needs to be based on evidence. In Latvia, an careful retros...

research product

Sodītā empīriskā ticamības funkcija un tās pielietojums vispārinātajam lineārajam modelim

Maģistra darbā aplūkota vispārināto lineāro regresijas modeļu parametru novērtēšana ar soda funkciju un empīriskās ticamības metodēm. Ieviests soda funkcijas jēdziens un aplūkotas vairākas biežāk izmantotās soda funkcijas un to īpašības. Parādīta sodītās mazāko kvadrātu metodes novērtējumu labo īpašību, attiecībā pret nozīmīgo modeļa mainīgo atlasi, izpildīšanās simulētiem datiem. Definēts sodītās ticamības funkcijas jēdziens un aplūkots tās pielietojums vispārināto lineāro modeļu parametru novērtēšanā. Doti nepieciešamie algoritmi metodes praktiskai realizācijai. Sodītā empīriskā ticamības funkcija pielietota daudzdimensiju lineārās un loģistiskās regresijas datiem un secināts, ka metode l…

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