Juan Manuel García Lara
On the Persistent Understatement of Shareholder's Equity Around Europe
We examine the existence of balance sheet conservative practices by listed companies in seven European countries, analysing the differences among them. Our results show that in every country under study there are conservative practices that lead to a persistent understatement of operating assets with respect to market value. This understatement could be mainly attributable to the usage of historic cost accounting as well as to the non-recognition of certain intangible assets. We also find that in code-law based countries balance sheet conservative practices are much more pronounced. Additionally, we analyse whether our results are influenced by a different sample composition, and if spuriou…
Gender Discrimination and the Monitoring Role of Female Directors Over Accounting Quality
Recent research in accounting suggests female directors exert more stringent monitoring over the financial reporting process than their male counterparts. However, an emerging literature in finance and economics questions whether females in leadership roles significantly differ from their male counterparts. Building on this literature, we re-examine the link between the presence of female directors, gender biases, and financial statements quality. Using a large sample of UK firms we find that a larger percentage of women among independent directors is significantly associated with lower earnings management practices. However, we show that this relation disappears if we focus on firms that d…
The monitoring role of female directors over accounting quality
Recent research in accounting suggests female directors exert more stringent monitoring over the financial reporting process than their male counterparts. However, an emerging literature in finance and economics provides mixed findings and questions whether females in leadership roles significantly differ from their male counterparts. Building on this literature, we re-examine the link between the presence of female directors, gender biases, and financial statements quality. Using a large sample of UK firms we find that a larger percentage of women among independent directors is significantly associated with lower earnings management practices. However, we show that this relation disappears…
Balance sheet versus earnings conservatism in Europe
In this study we extend prior research on the international analysis of accounting conservatism (Joos and Lang, 1994; Ball et al., 2000; Giner and Rees, 2001), by examining the level of accounting conservatism across eight European countries (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Belgium), and assessing the statistical significance of the differences among them. The definitions of conservatism that we use are, on the one hand, the Feltham and Ohlson (1995) definition, which implies a persistent understatement of book value of shareholders' equity (balance sheet conservatism). On the other hand, we use the one proposed by Basu (1997), that is, a time…